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Posts posted by Drever

  1. So just to be clear - you will be boycotting if they go into division 1 or division 3? Both would be a result of some degree of preferential treatment.

    The RST statement is actually fairly well handled, which is quite surprising.

    I put my hands up, I'm not sure about the whole entrance into the SFL thing in terms of the rules, I think most people would agree it's not straight forward. If fan base was a factor they would presumably have a decent case although I also realise they are a complete mess at present. Will anyone boycott if they enter the third division? I doubt enough fans would, to have any real impact, and there lies the problem. We will no doubt get shafted to some degree

  2. Dear Sir/Madam,

    I would like to advise that as paying supporters of Dundee f.c. for many years, my father and I will not be renewing our season tickets if a certain newco receives preferential treatment in any form (particularly by getting undeserved entrance to the league and a double promotion), regardless of the bribes on offer. I will also advise others to stay away from the game as it is clearly corrupt. Dundee f.c. have had to deal with punishments in the past, quite rightly, and this should be the case with any side that doesn't adhere to the rules of the game. This may be a difficult choice to make but if you do the right thing, even at a short term cost, you will reap the benifits in due course.

    Kind Regards,


  3. As a long term reader of this i am now incandescent with rage at the MSM and the utter idiots that run our game. Surely somebody has to stop this sorry saga from killing our game, how is it that Alex Thomson can ask the questions that none the current journalist think are relevant? Is it just me or do the SPL chairman not think this is totaly wrong to sit back and watch this stitch up,, if Rod Petrie thinks he can watch this happening and think, well I'm ok because I voted no then he is sadly mistaken. Anybody that reads into what the SFL,SFA are trying to do and thinks it is acceptable then I want no part of that club. Why are spl chairman not saying that what the lower division teams are having to deal with is a disgrace. Is it to much to ask that we have some feckin morals and sort this mess out,, put Dundee up or put back the pars, stick to the rules and put newco in the 3rd div, kick out all the blazers and start again with a new league setup, sfa give some punishment from the appeal board. We need some strong people to take the right decisions. This is doing my head in as most other fans I speak to really only get spoon fed the daily crap and they believe it, or chose to have no option at all !!!!! Away for a walk to calm doon...

    Sharing the pain Kendo. Corruption has made it's way into and throughout Scottish media, including the BBC. Alex Thomson will fix this

  4. Hey folks,

    Complaints welcome re Jim Traynor. We don't pay our licenses for such abysmal sub standard (almost non-existant) journalism. Alex Thomson is embarrarring the BBC so let them know. Funny it's taken an 'outsider' to lead the way. Looks like the corruption runs deep. The welcome death of RFC is having a poultis effect, all the shite is coming to the surface and being exposed, Traynor included.


    And we don't need to look around us to understand fairness, our collective moral compass works well. If we did, well Italy would be just about the worst place to start.

  5. Can someone help, why do people keep saying 'John McVeigh is a tit' and 'John McVeigh is a tit'?

    If these slimy turds in charge of our game are incapable of providing a fair and just competition free from bias then we should, and hopefully will, tell them to go away and die. They, along with the west coast media, are currently employing a smoke and mirrors campaign designed to give the illusion that (the) rangers have been/ will be treated approriately (punished enough as they like to say). Only we are not that stupid. At least I really hope not.

  6. Everything is temporary : An arguably unsympathetic yet helpful tool for fans of Rangers fc following their tragic voyage into the dark void that is death.

    I have chosen to look at the death of rangers f.c. and the impact on it's fans as a very small case study in the common irrational emotions which serve only to prevent complete mental breakdown following the death of a loved one.

    Rangers f.c. recently died. For many this was a joyous occasion, but for the supporters of Rangers f.c. this was an unimaginable tragedy. Worse than the most vivid, chainsaw filled nightmare. And it was real. There are a number of factors which combine to make this such a good example for a human behaviour study. The contrast from a massively successful and ambitious club which had 'simply the best' as its theme tune, to its death, buried in shame and disgrace, has produced 'Princess Diana syndrome' among Scottish football fans throughout the country. Even people who were relatively apathetic towards Princess Diana and the Royal Family know where they were when they received the news of her death, and the same can be seen among Scottish football fans following the death of Rangers football club. Rangers f.c. appeared healthy on the pitch, and although there were financial concerns leading up to their death there was a general feeling that Rangers f.c., like The Titanic, was unsinkable. Someone would throw more money at them. Instead, a horrific self induced death was what followed, brought on by their overambitious lust for success.

    What now happens after liquidation is, relatively, as futile as making long pork sausage sandwiches from the salty corpse of Osama bin laden and claiming he is still at large. Rangers f.c. will not be winning any competitions in the same way that a 'bin laden butty' will not be masterminding any atrocities. I suppose the supporting of any team produced in Rangers memory can be compared to visiting a grave to pay respects to a loved one. It doesn't actually achieve anything but makes people feel better. This may seem unsympathetic, but the laws of the universe sadly apply. Even atoms have a lifespan, and Rangers f.c. are no exception. This will hopefully expedite the grieving process and help the Rangers f.c. family move onto acceptance.

    What we have been witnessing among many Rangers f.c. fans is in the period after death where people often refuse to accept death has even happened at all. Many Rangers f.c. fans are desperately applying CPR long after the doctor has gone home and had the couscous his wife diligently prepared. Soon these fans will become physically and mentally exhausted, and most likely collapse to the floor, saturated in their own tears, sweat and urine. And possibly other discharges. Until then they will not be ready to embrace acceptance.

    When acceptance is finally embraced by the fans of this study, there will be a massive social and cultural void to be filled. After all, they didn't just lose a football team, they lost their identity. Going back to the pork sausages, creating a new team to follow, without history, may help a little, but it would help a great deal more if fans of Rangers f.c. divert their energy and attention to a new persuit or activity, such as becoming active members in a charity which supports victims of sexual abuse at the hands of religious figures, something I hear Rangers f.c. have strong feelings on, while not appearing to offer much help in terms of victim support.

    It will soon be time for acceptance dear former rangers fc family. So dear fans, take comfort in the knowledge that everything is temporary and death comes to us all.

    'Follow, follow, we will follow rangers' . . . . . . Please don't. . . . . . . At least not before your time.

    This is for our brothers and sisters (in the name of equality) of Dundee f.c., Hibernian f.c., Aberdeen f.c., Ross County f.c., Heart of Midlothian f.c., Dunfermline a.f.c., St. Mirren f.c., Kilmarnock f.c., Motherwell f.c., St. Johnstone f.c., Inverness Caledonian Thistle f.c., St. Mirren f.c., Falkirk f.c., Partick Thistle f.c., Dundee United f.c., and every other Scottish club that gets excited at being in the quarter finals of the Scottish Cup.

    One day we will have our sport back.

    To integrity.

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