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Posts posted by Paige

  1. I haVe lived in east kilbride all my life, first 5 yEars of ma life in calderwood and for 9 year greenhills. It gets a bad name , worst Place in eastkilbride apparently but its really not . Yes alot of the girls are slags and the guys neds . Yes u see 13 years old out drinken and smoken . Nearly everyone by the age of 15 isnt a virgin, Theres alot of bullyen goes on . And 40% of the people u pass are stoned out there nut.

    Its quite dodgy But to be quite honest so is Everywere at 10 oclock on a saterday night , it just so happens theres alot of underage drinking in greenhills. So alot of the time it ends up in fights.

    I can say as a 14 year old girl (who live in greenhills) ive tryed smoking once, never drunk, never had sex and only been in 2 physical fights , one after a girl bullyed me for a year and id finally had enof when she grabbed ma arm and kept pullen me back from walken and another fight was with the same girl when she was drunk and she jumped out from a underpass with her big brother ( who was 2 years older (16) )hit me with a bottle and i managed to gight them off.

    Tho the education is shit , if ur looking for somewere to go and haven to be tuff or u get beet up ,to act stupid or ur a geek , to have bleech blonde hair and an orange face or get made fun of every day .

    U want an education dont go to duncanrig!

    Theres not loads if murders , there has been a couple tho .

    Ma older friend was murdered at the age if 15 by his classmate , stabbed 14 times in the chest and his throat slit and left to die ???? all because he was GAY!

    And hardly any rapes.

    But what im tryen to say is theres good and bad people evrywere , even in ruff areas ❤

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