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Posts posted by dinnamess

  1. :BIG RANT:

    Stayed in the same house for over two years now and I think unfortunately I've inherited a feud between my house and the next door neighbours.

    Both the neighbours are in their late 30's/early 40's and are both disabled.

    The woman was ok then after an accident left permanently disabled and has to walk on crutches, her husband left her and somehow she's got a new boyfriend who also walks around on crutches. Both of them do not work but one of them manages to run a business from home which involves noise and banging.

    They are both on pain relief and must have disturbed sleep and usually get up around midday or later, I never hear a peep out of them before 10AM usually, which is good.

    When I moved in I noticed that you could hear any impact noises or bumps/stomping from next door pretty loudly so I was considerate and wore headphones when listening to music and tried to keep the TV down low at night, I also cut the shared lawn and painted the shared fence.

    The problems started after the first month or so when I heard them banging around really loudly, I actually thought that they were moving out as it sounded like furniture - this continued pretty much every week night for weeks from 12AM-3/4AM and seriously effected me at work etc.

    After a while I managed to build up the courage to speak to them after one of them thanked me for cutting the grass, not only did they not apologise they looked stunned and denied making any noise at all.

    For the next few months I then got after 1AM

    Banging on the walls - followed by laughing

    Flushing the toilet several times in a row

    Buying several bird feeders and moving them beside my fence - garden was invaded by birds and caused so much damage by birdshit that I had to repaint my decking and the fence at a cost of £50+

    Making the dog bark deliberately

    Staring like a mannequin at anyone in my garden from their window

    I had to go to them again with a small letter detailing the damage to the garden and asked them nicely if they would take it down, at the same time I placed a fake bird of prey thing on the fence after painting. The fake bird thing blew over their fence and then like a shot one of the was round banging on my door then shouted at me to removed this from their fence as if it was the end of the world. I secured it up on my side of the fence only to be awoken to the sound of the two of them out in the garden at 1AM in the dark - five minutes after I had switched my light off - on a ladder reaching across into my garden trying to remove the item.

    I later heard that her accident had been her dog reacting to the previous occupants cat and knocking her over and making her disabled so somehow she thought that this bird was going to attract a cat? But somehow the two dozen finches and pigeons wasn't?

    Since then it has calmed down but they still do the following

    I do the washing - they do the washing exactly after it

    I stay up late Friday or Sat - they 'punish' me for doing this by banging and laughing on a Sunday night/Monday morning

    Throwing the ball for the dog against the fence so that it charges into it and damages it

    Just being incosiderate arseholes most of the time and banging away like it's the afternoon after midnight.

    I really don't want to go to the enviromental health or the council about them but after two years I've had enough of these fucktards and I'm annoyed at the previous occupants for not telling me about this.

    I cut their grass and even lent them money so that someone painting my house could do part of theirs and still they are acting like two year olds.

    I have resisted the temptation to buy airhorns or the like and give them a rude awakening but wonder if this might get better results?

    I have also spotted, not by nosing, that the boyfriend can walk about unassisted out the back and even lay paving slabs despite having a sore enough back to walk about on crutches out the front??! Also how can you run a full time business - that also involves banging - and claim disability? Could they be investigated?

    I've never experienced or heard of someone actually deliberately making noise like this before but reckon that the disability and her husband leaving her has turned her into a mentally unstable person who is unable to deal with her situation and is just lashing out.

    Has anyone else experienced something like this?

    seriously, all you need to do is basically print that post out and send it to the councils environmental health dept, I had an issue with that recently, I was the one being complained against, tbf they were brilliant with me cause the complaints were lies, but they take it seriously investigate straight away etc. what they will ask you to do is keep a log of exactly what noises they make and at what times. definitely do that, not like anally retentive but just a couple of days note some stuff down, you might also want to invite someone from the council to come round on the shady to hear for themselves.

    they are the only people who can sort it out the sooner you get in touch the sooner its sorted. I'm not for complaining about people but some folk are just arseholes so you either chin the guy or write to the council, chinning disabled dudes is a bit sad and could get you an assault charge so council is the way to go.

  2. Regardless of whether they are banned or not, anyone singing them or condoning the singing of them is an embarrassment. What age are you and what century do you live in?

    well they are now specifically banned due to the bill passed last year, but this is from motherwells website fir park rules

    11. The use threatening behavior, foul or abusive language is strictly forbidden. Racist, homophobic, discriminatory or sectarian remarks, songs or chants; and the promotion or endorsement of any political or proscribed terrorist organisations is not permitted within the stadium and may result in arrest and a lifetime ban from regulated football matches.

    thats always the case at every ground, uefa hand down dictats which they expect national associations to adhere to, one of them and its not a new one is no poitical protests of any form within any ground ever, thats a big no-no, this would naturally include political songs, or any song pledging alleigance to any political organisation.

  3. I fucking hate getting into this shite, but correct me if im wrong, but isnt the OO and protestantism in general main purpose is to be pretty much against the Catholic faith?

    When you see shit like http://www.bbc.co.uk...reland-14920403

    So how can you be in the OO and not be a bigot?

    Seem more interested in sticking 2 fingers up to Catholics at every opportunity (see the marches through catholic communities etc)

    Oh and before anyone askes, if you really want to know my view on religion and "god" please have a look a the God thread, i've made my feeling pretty clear on the subject.

    protestantism no, that was a reaction to the abuse of position by church leaders mostly through the sale of indulgences, and also an attempt to leave behind a lot of the ceremony and guilt, apart from that its basically the same as catholicism, its like catholicism-lite.

  4. No self-delusion but feel welcome to disagree.

    It isn't an abuse. I'm happy to uphold The Williamite Revolution as a 'good thing'. I am happy that some of our fans celebrate this. I am aware enough to know that sometimes this descends to abuse and I hate that and apologise for it.

    However, it should be OK to sing some 'Orange' songs without being called a bigot.

    No I'm not,

    just since you dont seem aware, regardless of the rights and wrongs of these songs, youre not allowed to sing political songs or make any form of political protest at a football game, within the ground, which ends your lame and disgusting argument right there.

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