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Posts posted by Devlin

  1. Where are u from ? Glasgow ?

    Anyway the arguments that tops anything u can say is your club died and mines didn't. Simple as that. Your going for your first title. Good luck on the journey.

    Oh and don't give it but we've got our titles. Big chuckles bought them, they're his not the new clubs. Likeasay enjoy the journey, will see u at somerset next season, hopefully with sally in tow

    Oh and better ? U sure ? U play against us the way u did on Saturday your in for a right good pumping

    No i'm from Leeds originally.

    That argument tops f**k all considering it's untrue, so where does that leave your argument now?

    In your head. Enjoy being correct in your wet dreams mate, meanwhile back in the real world Rangers are better than Ayr.

    Not like i've ever noticed Ayr in my lifetime right enough.

  2. No WATP in the username - and that Gogzy seems to be a right Orange hvn blinded sectarian cvnt. We've shared the info of asking the name of the taxi driver before stepping-in. If it involves Gogzy or Gordon, we'll just wait for next taxi along and tell him to bouncy along - complete FUD. Don't want to be paying for his next dues to the Orange Order.

    Hahaha. I like Gogzy, he was my fellow stoner and is a rational chap.

    Some kitchen though.

  3. Nope - but his posts are funny! I've been a winder-up and advocate of bringing back TBB much longer Devlin! WATP

    bigbubba is too obvious so is a genune bun (I think) with a dislike of the NEWCO regime.

    You guessed that from the Fife connection - Gogsi because from Buckhaven, Fife.

    Honest pal, I admired yer bravery in the face of the Orange scumbags on SevcoMedja. Tedster and Bendi have openly said they joined here to 'redress' the p-take out of the former Rangers and SEVCO, but sometimes their posts let thru they ain't all that stoopid.

    Aye right, if you're not him i have one member i think you may be if not i have no clue. Pretty sure there's a WATP in the username..?

    I think BB is a certain celtc fan.

    I didn't guess from the Fife connection, Gogzy aint a tim, don't know what you mean by mentioning him?

    Where were Tedi and Bendi from before? That's why i joined to be honest as the Rangers fans on here were handwringers and slagging of Rangers for greenies from celtc fans which makes me sick.

    Did you ever speak to me directly on RM?

  4. Yer an OK bun Devlin to me - read your posts on SevcoMj and stayed oot as you were doing my work by winding the loonies as much as I do!

    Any clues as to your username? IF when you said BB in the other thread that was a clue then i think i know who you may be.

    Funny that you only think i'm okay as i argue with fellow Rangers fans :lol:

    I don't mind hurting the majority to say my own thoughts. It's a joke that i got banned over a dickhead admin when as you can see there's plenty of non Rangers fans on RM populating the Bears Den. :unsure:

  5. I respect you for that and repect you getting bannedo from the scumbags on SevcoMedja - you are actually one of the OKs who can talk rather than get the Orange mist.

    I argued with just as much Rangers fans on RM as i do **** on here so i'm not one for predictable blue vs green arguments.

    I'm still gutted i got banned from Rangersmedia. Maybe i'll need to get lessons in undercover accounts from the obsessed on here? :P

  6. Do you believe that?

    You are using a term which you have been informed is widely accepted as sectarian, trying to make out that it's okay because you believe laughing at homosexuals is funny? and you think that it is an insult and laughable to brand a group of people, because of your percieved opinion of them, as homosexual?

    Yep I can see your point!

    You're doing just what i said was funniest, when people blow things up and put things there that aren't there. Trying to make a bigger deal out of it than it is.

    Just to let you know i don't actually think celtc fans are homo's.

  7. Wrong end of the stick ther quintessential chap - if you're not gonna like me it's a virtual recommendation here.

    I DO genuinely have fun with it - one of the biggest advocates of keeping 'our' sectarian trads alive on SevcoMedja - no surrender, WATP

    As i said i'm probably not going to speak to you much, you can't type well enough for me to bother with and you're clearly quite a sad individual or just a wee kid. Enjoy wasting your life away pretending to be a Rangers fan though. :thumsup2

  8. Fcukin Ell, I must have made absolutely no sense at all when I was on the weed. Do you honestly believe the stuff you are typing?

    I'm not stoned, i am utter pish at explaining things though.

    Right, i don't care if someone is religious or a homosexual. I sometimes use homophobic insults as i find them humorous, no great malice behind it. The "beadrattlers" thing to me is slight entertainment at riling celtc fans, no bigger picture, just me scoring cheap laughs against my teams rivals. What i find funny is when people try and blow up the situation and make it into something it's not.

  9. How's life withoot SevcoMedja Devlin? I have outlasted you there and will keep banging the big Orange drum for a laff - We Admire The Pope (WATP for short of course)

    Outlasted me on RangersMedia, that is damn right obsessed, pitiful you would try and brag about it anaw, you do know when i joined on there right? :lol:

    Do you genuinely have fun pretending to be a Rangers fan? I couldn't think of anything worse than spending my life pretending to be a celtc fan online.

    What do you mean by recommendation though? When did i on RM recommend P&B to you? :lol:

  10. I must admit I have re-evaluated my opinion of you having read your posts today. No8 and Bendy whom I defended against that eejit with the "Dark side of the moon avatar" seem to have turned on me, no biggy but I did have higher opinions of them, and yourself whom I slated in the same post have risen considerably in my estimations.

    ETA- Just read your bead rattler rant in the other thread, it does not matter how stoned you are, no excuses for that.

    :lol: was just reading that wondering if you had read that thread.

    I'll admit it's petty as f**k and clearly just to annoy celtc fans but up until about half a year ago i always thought "beadrattler" was calling someone a homo, which i did find funny. Since then i do sometimes (petty as f**k i will concede) use it to get a rise out of those looking to be offended. Wouldn't call an actual Catholic a beadrattler though. Bigotry and sectarianism bores the life out of me.

  11. Don't actually mean am sitting on the edge of my seat itching to see your accounts. Will be funny seeing how much money your club has blown over paying diddies to punt it up the park every week.

    And no am off today actually. Why u so interested? What u upto? Apart from sitting in front of your laptop of course

    Bet you are. Why would it be funny to see how much money a football club has spunked away?

    Can just imagine you analysing all the EPL's player wages and pishing yourself. Am i correct? :rolleyes:

    I'm not interested it was just funny when you said you had work to do and then sat posting on here for about 5 hours in a row :lol:

    I'm eating my lunch at a desktop actually. I'd enjoy your day off btw. Should have a wee giggle at Malouda's payslip.

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