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Posts posted by stu_mfc

  1. 36 minutes ago, madton said:

    We don't even need .them as seperate areas. Just sell it as we always do and allow men, women and children access to the toilets and pie stall as we've always done. if it's pishing down and people get wet in Sinclair Street end becuase the cowshed is full, so be it, they'll get wet just like the 3000 Hearts fans.

    It wasn't an issue in big games against KIllie, DU,Peterhead, Stranraer, St Mirren etc so shouldn't be an issue now.

    Don't disagree, but if the club are using this as the excuse to reduce capacity on H & S grounds then it needs to be looked at, either they have made a mistake and reversing the decision or if its valid decision put measures in place.

  2. Club need to be addressing the reduced capacity to accommodate the the TV companies pronto. If TV studios and that much segregation are needed then it shouldn't be out the home allocation. 

    Got to be a way to have Sinclair St end and cowshed as separate areas, obviously toilet and catering an issue but surely something temporary could be put in place. 

  3. Proper e-bikes are only peddle assist and motor only kicks in while pedalling, and are as someone said above limited to 15mph and then motor stops, chances are you wont even notice these as e-bikes unless you know what to look for. The bikes you see delivery drivers cutting about on are something different and an absolute pain in the hole.

  4. 35 minutes ago, Rudolph Hucker said:

    Agreed. So, what does one do - do you:

    a) show up at the ground before the game not knowing if you'll get in, or 

    b) do the next most logical thing and phone Smith's or the club, or

     c) type a moaning email on P&B rather than email the club raising the same issue?

    You decide........      Actually, of course, you already have. 

     I checked the most obvious route on the club website, Point is I shouldn't have to call Smiths or the Club to find out, just enabling the behaviour by doing that. I asked a question on here to see if anyone knew. Not sure why you've got on the moral high horse here, odd one to pick a fight about.

  5. 4 hours ago, Rudolph Hucker said:

    Why not phone Smith's or phone or email the club instead of just assuming the arrangements have changed for some reason? Strange logic.

    Or I could just check our website and go to the ticket section. Oh, wait. Strange logic you don't think the club should be doing better.

  6. 3 minutes ago, Mr X said:

    They posted it on their website a week ago


    It doesnt specifically mention away fans but Im assuming  "All sections of the stadium are available for use." includes the away end.

    Doesn't tell me if I can buy my ticket in advance at cappielow or Smith's. Doesn't mention the online ticket system, can only assume it's queue for ticket at ticket office and then queue to get in 🙄

  7. 31 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

    Its an interesting one this. Is it that the world was a less scary place when we were young, or is it that we were more capable (which would be the fault of mollycoddling parents) or is it just that parents are total shitebags now?

    I think I vaguely think of the world as more dangerous now for my kids but when I think about it, I cant actually come up with a rationale to back it up.

    I cant really remember what I was doing at 8 years old but I was defenitely out and about doing some stuff of my own accord.

    I think the world just appears a more scary place because we know more with 24hr news reporting and social media. Also much more cars on the road now as well so limits how far we let the kids go as not to have to worry about idiot drivers.

  8. 32 minutes ago, paul-r-cfc said:
    1 hour ago, stu_mfc said:
    Did Ben Vorlich yesterday, plan was to do both but just didn't see point doing it from inside a cloud. The route is pretty clear, not the toughest of climbs up Ben Vorlich but gets steep at top. Midges were horrific at the wee hydro dam and parking was quite busy as well.

    Yeah, I'm hoping parking won't be as bad during the week. We'll make the call on the second summit once we're up there.

    You can see the path for 2nd summit run down to your right as you step onto Ben Vorlich summit, absolutely no idea what it looked liked beyond the 50 foot visibilty though! Can also see the path off of it on your right as you climb up too. 

  9. 8 minutes ago, paul-r-cfc said:

    Got a few weeks before I can start my new job so got plenty of time to kill before then. Trying to tick off some munros before then and make up for the time I probably wasted during the summer holidays! emoji23.png

    Going to do Ben Vorlich and Stuc a'chroin on Wednesday. Anyone done the two together? Seems the best way to do them, rather than separately.

    Also going up Ben Lomond next week. I've already done it but a pal of mine fancies starting to bag munros and he fancies it. It's the closest and it's straightforward enough, so I'm happy to go again.

    Did Ben Vorlich yesterday, plan was to do both but just didn't see point doing it from inside a cloud. The route is pretty clear, not the toughest of climbs up Ben Vorlich but gets steep at top. Midges were horrific at the wee hydro dam and parking was quite busy as well.

  10. 2 hours ago, KnightswoodBear said:

    I was out on my bike yesterday for a bit.  I bought it last year and really haven't had much chance to use it.  What I've noticed is that the suspension on the front seems very spongy.  When you have to get up off the saddle to peddle a bit going up hill the handle bars are bouncing up and down as you go.

    I've noticed that there is a wee dial on top of one of the forks that you can turn up and it's got a counter with a weight on it.  If I turn it up will that make the forks a bit stiffer? (Hi Kenneth).

    As you can tell, I don't know anything about bikes.

    If its a coil sprung fork and not airsprung the dial will be the preload, tightening it should stiffen things up. Might not be by much though. 

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