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Posts posted by marconi

  1. where do the clubs get the money if no crowds no shop no hospitality?  i accept some clubs have money in the bank [not many]  but even these clubs would struggle after a  few weeks of no income. if no supporters are allowed the only teams surviving will be be the two or three with  "sugar daddies" or the bottom clubs run on a basically amateur status.  would you accept this scenario or prefer to wait  until it is possible to return to something like normal and allow clubs to survive.

  2. with regard to players turning up  ready, going home after the game i dont think this is feasible. a lot of glasgow based players  are with ayrshire teams and a forty mile drive home after  playing in a downpour is just not going to happen.    also as a/lie1981 says some teams may not be able to keep to the guidelines for whatever reason so how would a league work if a quarter  or so of the teams cannot play .i fear it wil have to be all or none 

  3. as i have said before letting supporters in is not the problem at this level. social distancing in changing rooms , hospitality and refreshments are .   without the last  two it is impossible  to keep clubs solvent as gate receipts are not enough to  cover outlay.

  4. one problem playing outstanding scot cup ties is player registration. players may have moved teams  and    are  inelligible  . if your team had signed a player from one of the semi-finalists would they let him return to his former club to play a game or maybe two and risk injury. only way out is to cancel this years cup .

  5. when the leagues were decided on PPG the SFA reluctantly agreed to accept the 20 team league as darvel and Blantyre were being denied promotion, many felt unfairly,. if leagues are null and void they did not win promotion which  would allow SFA to return to their preferred 16 team league[plus bonneyton]

  6. while reading  the rantings of the keyboard warriors has been quite amusing and passed some time in these unusual times I think people should calm down and realise that all the shouting  in the world wont change the thinking of the SFA or any other body . the real problem is not the make-up of the leagues but that the prospect of any football at all before new year is very unlikely so  leagues of  20,17.14 or anything else is irrelevant

  7. i agree with the post  about suspending the decision until after this coronavirus thing is over. as clubs will not be able to hold  AGMs.although large meetings are banned  the PWG could continue in some way so that when we resume a final agreement could be ready for clubs to then decide

  8. with regard to fines ,  the player gets fined. some clubs pay the fines some take it of the player. hence my earlier query about amateurs.

    the membership fee for the sjfa is  £35.00 the region around £80.00 also I think the west meeting was to reveal the p w g outcome






  9. the  office bearers of the west league  will be elected by  the members of the league ,if they decide to re-elect anyone it is their decision.

    on another topic mentioned in this thread, I have long  wondered  about the legal position of  imposing a fine on amateur player who plays for nothing 







  10. from a west point of view. the SJFA had a mandate to get all teams into the pyramid, they failed. west region still wanted to join so called a meeting to decide future moves. the west reps. managed to arrange a PWG [partial]  meeting where a measure of agreement was reached.  if discussions go well the west will join  no matter what TJ thinks. after joining talks can be held to clear up any outstanding issues to be decide by majority vote at future meetings, any team that wants can leave  and join an organisation of their choice.  what is wrong with any of this?  I believed the ambition was to have a west league at tier 6 this delivers that ambition.


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