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Everything posted by Cerberus

  1. http://leavehq.com/blogview.aspx?blogno=254 Even 'Leave HQ' are shitting it.
  2. This sums up the first day of negotiations. Davis is an idiot. Is he really the best the UK has?
  3. Not Trump related but even trademarks considered offensive are now protected by the 1st Amendment. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2017/06/19/supreme-court-upholds-offensive-trademarks-form-free-speech/100618478/ Good publicly from The Slants but Dance Rock sounds pish tbh.
  4. So the negotiation tactic of quoting Churchill and expecting Frenchie to surrender didn't work? Strange that.
  5. A lack of interesting news, boring friendlies, 1 or 2 dull like for like signings. Our 'Meh' transition into St Johnstone is on schedule.
  6. Richard "buy my book" Dawkins. Summed up by being a Liberal Democrat.
  7. Look at the nick of those teams. Only utter shite, no mark diddies play this early in the season. Of which Rangers are one.
  8. Check the Darkweb thread mate. Get yersell a gun, and some crystal meth.
  9. I drive with flip flops all the time. You guys suck.
  10. The False Grail that Donovan mistakenly drinks from which turns him into a skeleton in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade? Or maybe a pot? I dunno.
  11. I hope there's no riots but there should be more protests. Groups managed to organise protests all over the UK over Trump's potential state visit. Why is that worth protesting on a large scale and this isn't?
  12. My mate who lived in a semi-detached house next to a c**t of a neighbour who used to play loud music at night. To get him back he put his speakers in the loft over on the guy's side, put on music full blast and fucked off for the weekend. When he came back and the guy said sorry. There's maybe something you could use there. But rather than speakers use your cock, and rather than the loft use her fanny.
  13. So where's the 5 million coming from? Is that the money she saved on not hiring firefighters? Fucking horror show of a Government.
  14. Fucking hell. Imagine being so blinkered that you're still a Tory fan boy after all that's gone on.
  15. Maxwell previously saying that we'd listen to all offers for Lindsay probably didn't help prevent the low ball offers.
  16. Pure shat it from a hard Brexit. http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-40303761
  17. The Express is a disgrace. They blame the cladding on the EU and are now trying to cover for May for not initially speaking to the residents by saying the doctors told her not to. Who believes this shite? c***s like McSpreader and Lex no doubt.
  18. Has literally a million Tupperwear tub things and no lids to fit them. How's that possible? I need to carry my small bit of pasta for lunch in what must be a 1/2 gallon sized tub.
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