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Everything posted by Cerberus

  1. http://www.newsweek.com/parents-convicted-feeding-baby-vegetable-milk-625626 Baby dies after hipster parents substitute his milk for vegetable milk. Complete wrong'uns the pair of them.
  2. Grease ball David Cameron was one who voted against making rented property fit for human habitation.
  3. So are the actual number of dead unknown or are the media being told to not report it? Hopefully justice is done and people go to jail over this.
  4. Theresa May is having another nightmare. She's standing chatting to firefighters not giving a single f**k while Corbyn is out meeting residents.
  5. He let his big club die. Respect to McInnes. He was offered big money. If he was in it solely for that then he'd have taken the job, not given a f**k and waited for the pay off. That's what I would have done.
  6. He's had a good career. Now that he's well past his prime he's rocked up at a diddy club looking to see out his last playing days.
  7. So a crippling, hard Brexit will be forced on Britain because the Tories are owned by 10 vile Irishmen who want the return of glory days of the 1600s when they could kill Catholics? What a place.
  8. I never offer workies anything. You're there to work, not to skive off and drink my water. Get on with it.
  9. Khannnnnnnnnnnnnnnn is the sinfully dullest, most pointless person ever. Trump hates him though so he's a national treasure.
  10. I can never listen to heavy metal because I hate the e minor chord. It gives me the E-B-G-Bs.
  11. I'm almost finished season 3 now. It's funny but the scenarios they get into are utterly ridiculous.
  12. £350k is disappointing. Might he have a release clause? I doubt we'd sell him for so low with him being in the PFA Team of the year and being the best Scottish central defender playing in Scotland. All the best to him. I hope we replace him with someone decent and not Balatoni.
  13. Has a terrible sense of direction. Even the dug knows the fucking way home.
  14. Also good advice when going round to Tommy Sheridan's house.
  15. Cool, cool. What are the names of some nearby pubs? Asking for a mate.
  16. That sounds pretty good actually. Go for a living room w**k and then munch half a dozen biscuits and see what she does.
  17. Thistle will be getting into some Beaver in a close door friendly with Hampton and Richmond FC on the 5th July.
  18. It's good to see people helping out by bringing essentials like water and Kit Kats- Also wid.
  19. I had a hard time getting over my addiction to Hokey Cokey. But I turned myself around that's what it's all about.
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