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Everything posted by Cerberus

  1. The DUP want Farage involved in the brexit negotiations. Fascists gonna fash.
  2. One of those push up ice creams on the floor.
  3. Rainbow Bridge sounds like a gay nightclub.
  4. She takes about 6 cases when going on a weekend holiday.
  5. My burd refuses to wear an Alan Archibald mask during sex.
  6. This. Nasty behavior. It seems to be an old person thing. Old people are nasty.
  7. Cerberus


    Cleveland totally Theresa May'd game 3. Tonight's game should be a cracker. Mon eh dubs!
  8. The likes of the Daily Mail will build them up to be freedom fighting patriots.
  9. Northern Ireland has been cast into the world spot light with this and to no one's surprise it's a fucking rancid, hate filled midden.
  10. Rumours of the DUP pulling out of the coalition due to May not agreeing to undergo a witch trial.
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