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Everything posted by Cerberus

  1. Has anyone posted this yet-
  2. I've never understood why anyone would bother with a mistress. One wummin is enough hassle, never mind two. If you want more sex then have a w**k.
  3. I found it fairly uninteresting. This is America. I expect to be more entertained by stuff on TV. Where's the drama and excitement? Fire some t-shirts into the crowd or something.
  4. There's a line between the 'rugged and handsome', and' unwashed and jakey' looks.
  5. Meh. The Russian thing seems to be a lot of fuss over nothing. I'm sure any influence the Russians had was peripheral. Clinton lost due to the Democrats own failings. The Dems were looking for a smoking gun to impeach Trump with and it's not Russia. I'd also add that Trump's policies are Republican policies. Why does he get a harder time than guys like Paul Ryan?
  6. Tell me about it. Where am I meant to hide with all the lights on? Have a word with her ffs.
  7. I hate when she does that. Have a word with her ffs.
  8. Rangers fans on here are largely decent. Nacho clearly takes supporting his chosen sports club very seriously. When it comes to them I'd be surprised if he enjoyed a joke or partook in "banter".
  9. When eating something in the car and bits drop on the seat between your legs and get smooshed onto your trousers.
  10. There was literally no way for you to answer well there. You compliment her looks - you want to pump her and are the office OFTW sexual reprobate. You don't compliment her look - you think she's fat and those Mars Bars she's now eating is yo fault.
  11. Wee Stevie the IT guy out did himself with Cardoso. He looks like he might be a good signing. Very disappointing indeed.
  12. That'd be you on the government's terror watch list. If they had one, which they don't. - Mastermind
  13. At the start of season 2. I just watched the one where Dennis and Deandra get hooked on crack in order to get welfare.
  14. I've started watching this at the gym whilst on the treadmill. Pretty funny but I don't know if I'll last 12 seasons of douche bag humour.
  15. That'll make Tory scumbags like McSpreader like her more.
  16. You guys are harshing my California chill with this depressing rain chat. Think of others please.
  17. Pass this onto her- On her milk put a sign that says - I spat in this and I have herpes. Drink it at your own risk ya c***s. And on the stapler put a sign that says - I wiped this on my fanny and I have herpes. Use at your own risk ya c***s. Basically, having herpes is your friend here.
  18. Do something that will severely piss her off the day before your anniversary. She'll go in a huff and a bad mood and not want to do anything special as it has been ruined, allowing you to watch the football in peace. I really should write a book on the woman folk.
  19. Horrible. You shouldn't be going clubbing when your older than 40.
  20. With a name like Dalcio and coming from Benfica he must be world class.
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