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Everything posted by Cerberus

  1. More cringeworthy than you wanting to sing about the IRA?
  2. It goes rock hard in the fridge. How are you meant to eat it? Sook it aff? You'd lose a tooth biting into a hard Mars Bar.
  3. The imperial system is weird. Measuring something as 14 3/16 inches is weird. But that's American Tinder users for you.
  4. The bible is clear on this..... Thou shall not wear Lonsdale's you ned f**k.
  5. My tanned feet won't come out if it's under 70°F (21°C) degrees but each to their own.
  6. I see that some random English dude has been appointed manager of Swindon. I guess that puts the Archie rumours to bed.
  7. It's a shame when that happens. It's no coincidence that Orlando has a insane levels of crime, poverty and drug use. It's an arsehole of a place. It's probably only a slightly better place to live than the UK.
  8. Cerberus


    Anyone watching the 2017 finals? GS are 2-0 up. They're looking pretty good for the championship.
  9. Chin chininey, Chin chininey, Chin chin cheroo!
  10. Is that a riding crop you have Zen? Kinky.
  11. He was hoping that's what would happen.
  12. Telfer, Fraser and Connolly do have the combined body weight of 18 stone and about as much dig as plastic spoon but ultimately they weren't good enough for this level. Spittal might be a bit of a sand dancer but he is a decent footballer.
  13. Apart from keeping a weird election promise to the northern states I don't see the point in pulling out. Even fuel companies wanted him to stay in. CA, NY and WA have already said they will just deal with climate change at state level, so it probably won't even change that much. There's a lot of faux-outrage of "please won't someone think of the children" on social media though. Do they know that the agreement does start for years?
  14. I saw the playoff game. Spittal probably spent a large amount of the DU games watching the ball fly 10 feet over this head, or trying to get his head to the ball to flick it on for Murray to run onto. Play to his strengths and get the ball to his feet and he could be good. United would be due a fee for him though?
  15. There is a really tidy Asian chick, possibly a student asking weirdos at the train station for a lift to the shopping centre. She'll be locked in someone's basement before the day is out.
  16. I'd rather have Jack than any of the current *** midfielders. On the face of it he's an improvement for them and it weakens Aberdeen. He wouldn't get in that Celtic team though. Signings like him won't close the gap on Celtic.
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