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Everything posted by Cerberus

  1. They are hipsters. They hate success and the club improving because it makes it harder for them to be a superfan. They want Thistle to be shite and under the radar. Nothing would piss them off more than for Thistle to be a mainstream top flight club. I don't like criticising other Thistle fans but that core of the WAT posters are all horrible c***s.
  2. As soon as the reality of Brexit hits, people will be wanting independence. When it comes down to it, people won't give a single f**k about the UK if the economy is in the gutter and they can't afford their "lower middle class" lifestyle.
  3. People on the gym weight machines who let the handle go mid-height so the weights smash together. If you can't let them down gently then they're too heavy.
  4. San Bernardino is a lawless, gang ridden midden. The kids probably have been in more shootings than math lessons tbh. It should be entirely walled off in an - Escape from New York - type scenario IMO.
  5. The guy is going to get serious lawsuit cash out of it. He deserves it tbh. United are a dug meat airline.
  6. Aye, f**k walking all the way over to the shop to pay. This ain't Russia.
  7. A guy at work once said to me - coffee is life. Brutal.
  8. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/uk-government-to-scale-down-climate-change-and-illegal-wildlife-measure-a7674706.html f**k the environment. The UK has taken back control to get that lucrative trade deal with Venezuela.
  9. It looks like an ISIS video. Florida is a crazy place.
  10. We were bottom of the league at Christmas. For that reason it's a special achievement to get top 6.
  11. Yes but I covered it in the cream cheese first.
  12. The MSM now saying that Russia was told of the attack beforehand, the targets were nothing of note, the Syrian base is still fully functional and the whole thing was just an empty political gesture. I didn't watch to the Icke video. Does that still fit in?
  13. The Illuminati has planned it all out since the 1700s.
  14. Who's out of contract at the end of the season? Ridgers, Elliott, Welsh, Fraser, Div Wilson, Banton (?). Ridgers and Fraser will probably go. Div Wilson will get a 6 year extension to take him up to his testimonial year.
  15. Jeremy Corbyn is such a feeble, vapid man. I'd go as far as to say that I am offended but him and his delusional, pipe dream liberalism.
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