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Everything posted by Cerberus

  1. Championship diddies won't be good enough for the Europa League. Archie out.
  2. I see that Brian Silvester got fined 70,000 for renting out an unsafe property. No wonder he hates the EU and their human rights. The only people wanting Brexit now are those like him, old rich c***s that pine for days of Merry Olde England where the working class knew their place and you could shoot a Spaniard if he came within a 1/2 mile of your country.
  3. There is a more pressing matter than going to war with Spain over Gibraltar. We need to stop Napoleon in France.
  4. No wonder Hannah doesn't have a stalker. #amiritefolks
  5. Not getting blow jobs and having to put a lot of effort into shagging her. No wonder he cheated. Also pics ffs.
  6. Fair play to Bishop Briggs. His #itk patter is rancid and he gets shot down all over the shop but his forlorn hope attitude is unshakable. Or he's a mad wum. Whatever.
  7. Ah yes, Asking a fake butler to Google things for you. #winning
  8. It has unearthed some utterly backward c***s in the UK.
  9. As much as he is right, why did these fuds vote for it?
  10. The toys have been chucked. Blaming the Freedom Caucus for the failure of his health bill is not the best way to get future stuff passed. He probably won't get anything done now apart from some Executive Orders that will be backed out by the next person. I still don't think he cares. He's there to make some money.
  11. ^^^ Home wrecker <<< Arse wrecker
  12. The dog's got a smaller nose than she does.
  13. I booked an online appointment and this was on my receipt. That takes me back. Netscape Navigator was a man's browser. None of your pishy Chrome shite.
  14. It seems a lot of the Brexiteers on here have fucked off rather than face the shame of admitting they bought all the Leave bullshit.
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