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Everything posted by Cerberus

  1. It wasn't massively ground breaking and there were some obvious plot holes but I liked it. It was atmospheric, the acting was pretty good and the music was first class.
  2. When my dog gets diarrhea she sometimes has little bits of runny shite left on her arse after she's taken a dump. She had it this morning without me noticing and she has managed to wipe it on my shirt when she jumped up on my lap. I'm now at work and my shirt has dog shit on it.
  3. If you can't find something to w**k about over day time TV shows like Bargain Hunt then you are OFTW.
  4. Don't do it. Think of all the Bargain Hunt episodes and wanking time you'll miss.
  5. Bawbag is horrific "wha's like us" patter.
  6. Is that not alcoholics drink? The only good thing about PBR is that it's cheaper than water. It does not taste good.
  7. He was part of the Winchester flower-arranging team that beat Harrow by twelve sore bottoms to one!
  8. Just jam! Nothing else? Can we at least use the jam in pastries if they sound Brexity like Roulade Britannia.
  9. Grace Slick in her day was sexier than Taylor Swift. A guid Palo Alto lass as well.
  10. I hate housework. Do you want to come round to mine?
  11. Being such a left field candidate for President I wouldn't be surprised if GCHQ did spy or monitor him. Just like I wouldn't be surprised if they also spied on Nicola Sturgeon or Alex Salmond. It makes sense. Throwing out accusations about it makes you look like a tin foil hat wearer though. Having to then retract it makes you look like a total fud.
  12. Why are you writing it out like a fucking caveman? Get that in Excel or something.
  13. Tech, movies, fruit, porn. Admit it, you guys would miss Cali.
  14. Interest rates are up, unemployment is down, and the economy is doing well. Trump will probably been a single term president. As long as he doesn't wreck the economy or start world war 3 I don't really care what he does on a personal level.
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