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Everything posted by Cerberus

  1. To be sure, to be sure. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-03-14/bofa-likely-to-choose-dublin-for-main-eu-base-after-british-exit Bank of America could move to Dublin if "Empire 2.0" loses access to the Euro.
  2. Valakari gets linked every time someone gets papped at Motherwell. He couldn't be worse than Hughes though.
  3. Investment. King can't even scrap up enough gingy bottles cash to buy the shares.
  4. I get it from a nationalistic point of view but not from a financial one. The deal we get from the UK might not be exactly proportional to what we give but it's more than decent. IMO having Hollyrood and so many MPs at WM is pretty good and means things like the NHS can be ring fenced if we want. Scotland is well represented and a far better place to live than most places in England. The ideas that we could build loads of new hospitals with the money we spend on Trident or create a Utopian society reek like shitey Brexit post truth claims. That said, Scottish people who are very Unionist or subservient to English are horrible OFTW.
  5. It'd be a shame to see Clyde drop out the league. There has been some good games between our clubs-
  6. May will be busy with Brexit but she'll dig out Baron Darling of Roulanish again.
  7. Transvestites at a Mardi Gras celebration in Australia 'cause whatever the hell nowadays.
  8. For every £1 that SNP spend, we will also spend £1. At least she's more financially prudent that Rangers.
  9. It's hard to tell the difference between the women and the men in Australia.
  10. The campaigning went on too long last time. People already know what they are going to choose. Just jump straight to the vote.
  11. For me it was only worth it if Brexit didn't happen. Leaving the EU then the UK would be sheer gubbins.
  12. I'm optimistic that one day he'll find his feet, rattle in 20 a season and be our Coulibaly. I should say that's blind optimism.
  13. f**k austerity. Raises and free stuff for everyone!
  14. I once bought Boots aspirin on my card. 50p. c**t behind me had a face like fizz.
  15. Chocolate price hike- http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-39228249 At least we might start seeing fewer fat burds in the Horrific club photos thread.
  16. Left expectancy in Scotland is significantly lower than 80.54 where the NHS probably gives the best service.
  17. To be fair to Boyd, he said it was a strange appointment. Boydy doesn't like succulent lamb dishes anyway. It's too rich. He prefers the E numbers you get in Monster Munch.
  18. Sorry to hear that mate. Hopefully the tablets make the difference.
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