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Everything posted by Cerberus

  1. I like Shuper Ally. The state Rangers are in now might not have been possible without his #behindenemylines effort. He's now trying to get them back there for more chuckles. Good guy.
  2. I would like to see ACA directed towards something like German healthcare. Universal health care will happen one day, Republicans and Democrats want it but drug companies and insurance companies need to be reigned in from charging and doing whatever they want.
  3. Our dog- We got her from the dog home. She is a miniature dachshund mix.
  4. I'd rather have lockjaw than tell people I was horribly wounded by a bunny rabbit.
  5. People like the SNP representing them in Westminster, but at the same time no longer buy the independence will fix everything shtick. Best of both worlds.
  6. The left fucks up the economy and the right tries to fix it. Either way the wee man gets shat on.
  7. It doesn't look like the bill will pass. In principle the ACA was a step in the right direction but the way it was enacted was expensive, hastily put together and kinda shit. Fining people for not having a health plan was terrible. I'd like to see the problems with it worked on rather than just binning everything. We'll see. I don't know what the rest of the country is like but the salary limits for Covered California were a mess. The salaries in SF are higher but everything costs a lot more. A load of middle class people fall through the cracks here. If their company doesn't have a good health plan, and they earn a medium to good salary then they are fucked for getting coverage. The only people that really see any benefit from the ACA were low paid people (who are usually Mexican). Maybe that's why Trump wants to cut it back.
  8. Florida is some place. My colleague and I went there to do some work and we went into a gun store. We told the clerk that we were from California and wanted to see what kind of shit was available in Florida. The clerk got out all sorts of crazy military hardware and said "welcome to America".
  9. Jeezo. It's only 6 degrees in Paisley and that old boy is taps aff.
  10. Unbelievably cheesy video.
  11. It reminds me of the bit in IT Crowd where Roy gets chocolate on his head and people think it's shit.
  12. Those fat burds certainly belong in the zoo.
  13. She's made a c**t of herself, the SNP and the Scottish parliament there.
  14. Someone missed a Kellyanne Conway up skirt opportunity?
  15. It's turning out to be the usual political mug slinging, whataboutery and tit for tat bullshit.
  16. Massive WUM and radio presenter Scottie McClue-
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