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Everything posted by Cerberus

  1. The men that flew Lancaster bombers over Germany in 1942 got off lightly by the looks of it.
  2. I'm surprised the smartest man in the world hasn't thought of it.
  3. I wonder if at some stage there will be a reward system brought in to report illegal immigrants. The shameful one in the UK for benefit fraud was disturbingly successful.
  4. Another pttgomn is people that big deal the shit out of everything to make themselves look important. They do it here a lot. A 30 minute job that takes all week because it's complexity and significance is ridiculously over-stated.
  5. I had a manager that would type EMAILS ALL IN CAPS. He eventually stopped that but then moved onto sending blank emails with a subject like- Update? He was a p***k.
  6. Yeah I'm sure it will all work out totally fine chief.
  7. Does anyone remember the weird rumour that you could get free calls by tapping the digits of the telephone number on hang up button?
  8. Vaping might be better for you but it's still horrible for everyone else you anti-social c***s.
  9. Because not everyone is so narrow-minded they automatically believe shite they find on the Internet.
  10. Milo isn't an American citizen. It would be karma to see him charged and deported back to the UK.
  11. To be fair they have been quite busy turning children into soldiers and suicide bombers.
  12. Is there any science stuff behind the Atkins? It seems all you're doing is cutting calories by severely limiting what you can eat. Although a bacon wrapped turkey leg for breakfast sounds good.
  13. Is being drunk the same excuse the scum, sub human, vermin **** give for leathering the misses and weans after a defeat?
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