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Everything posted by Cerberus

  1. No matter how devastating it could be for the country no one will even hint at blocking Brexit cause democracy.
  2. Balls of Steel maybe? Tom Cruise was squirted with a water gun. They made more than 2 episodes of that though.
  3. Thursday last week was "a day without immigrants" where a number of people didn't show up for work in protest against Trump. It was costly as some were fired. http://www.cnn.com/2017/02/20/us/workers-fired-day-without-immigrants/ It's almost George Washington's birthday as well.
  4. Trump has delayed a grant that would have gone to modernise the Caltrain. http://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/matier-ross/article/Trump-administration-deals-a-big-setback-to-10941880.php Public transport and roads here needs vast amounts of money for modernisation but as shite as the Caltrain is I'm not sure it is what is needed at this time. Alameda and Santa Clara Counties have horrific traffic. Almost, if not as bad as LA. I feel sorry for anyone that tells me they have to cross a bridge east to west or drive through San Jose on their commute.
  5. Also abortion is unlawful in Northern Ireland. Not a single person gives a f**k though. The US is doing stuff.
  6. It is fish fingers and beans all smashed up? My dug wouldn't even eat that.
  7. The politics forum is largely dreadful because there is no room for accepting other people's arguments. Any points of debate always ends in the usual welts calling people a troll/WUM/halfwit/racist/idiot/moron/nazi.
  8. Like most politicians, Trudeau is an arsehole. He's just not as openly obnoxious as Trump, and really no one gives a shit about places like Canada.
  9. When people post "wid" and they don't follow it up with a pic.
  10. What kind of biscuits? I'd love one of them Fox's Classic right now.
  11. The sweetcorn looks the only edible thing on it.
  12. http://www.bbc.com/sport/football/38978373 Unethical hair. Islam and ethics aren't usually synonymous.
  13. Overall I was hoping Clarke would be terrible and give us some classic head's gone moment. Disappointingly neither of those things transpired. Hopefully Killie appoint some utter clown and get it right this time.
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