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Everything posted by Cerberus

  1. More fartcical behavior. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-38923450 This government is the worst group of people ever assembled in history.
  2. The chicken juices would get all caught in the scissors' fulcrum and what not. Nasty.
  3. "We need Mark Warburtons in Scotland". How many Mark Warburtons does Yogi know?
  4. I'm hoping BSA was subtly saying Morrisey is toilet.
  5. The ending of the Dubs amendment is pretty shameful. This is a good time to end it though. The media are far more interested in what Trump had for breakfast than Westminster condemning weans to certain death.
  6. It's a shame. Her life has been ruined to make a point.
  7. I'm running a 5K on Sunday. Last one I did was years ago and I haven't been training for it at all. I was on the treadmill last night and I struggled to do a mile before stopping with a fucked knee.
  8. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/08/us/phoenix-guadalupe-garcia-de-rayos.html?_r=0 It looks like a Mexican woman who has been living in Arizona for 21 years is in danger of getting deported under Trump. It's crazy. She paid taxes and wasn't a threat to anyone. Doing this on a large scale will literally ruin tens of thousands of ordinary people's lives and won't even unearth the real undocumented felons.
  9. Tomatoes are mostly water so your plate ends up swimming. Jeezo, some people.
  10. Zen seems like the sort that wouldn't be a stranger to an enema.
  11. I doubt anyone will be surprised to learn the area is where the Luddites originated, and more recently are Brexit-y types.
  12. I lived in East Finchley for a while. The Budgeons there was a sight to behold. The staff were a bit Appalachian and there was absolutely no organisation of food on the shelves. They would just chuck it anywhere. Loafs of bread next to washing up liquid, beans next to cereal. It used to make my head hurt looking for stuff.
  13. I worked in Rochdale for a short time. "Job's a good'un" was funny as first but after the 100th time it got on my nerves. They also have the opinion that the entirety of Scotland is a lawless bog.
  14. The BBC comments on the latest Brexit mess are worth a chuckle. Most Scots would probably agree with this guy-
  15. Bercow's assessment of Trump is right but that doesn't hide that he is a rank hypocrite and what he did was out of line. He broke the rules of his job, and common decency to indulge in some Facebook Justice. It looks likely he will be sacked at some point. A gig in the affront to democracy, House of Lords awaits.
  16. Cerberus

    Sons of Anarchy

    I'm sure they mentioned a prequel with John and Clay coming home from Vietnam but I don't think it went anywhere. They are definitely doing a Mayans MC spin off. Maybe if the Mayan's thing is a success they will return to the other idea.
  17. He is another Tory creep who's past is littered with toeing the party line. He voted for the illegal Iraq war and for renewing Trident. People are so caught up in the anti-Trump craze that they are desperate to champion any scumbag that gives the indication that they are opposing him. Without a care for the consequences Bercow has seen the opportunity and jumped on it to simply feed his ego. Importantly he has been shut down. Anyone that believed he was a beacon of justice and morality has been had.
  18. Bercow has been slapped about the place by the Tories and has since apologised for what he did, and rightly so. He has made a complete fool of himself and the Government. It's safe to say the wee fella has had a shocker.
  19. I didn't say it did, chief. You're struggling here. Walk away.
  20. The UK already trades with the US. But apart from that, good point.
  21. I tore a muscle in my foot near my little toe. That Hurt like a bitch. For about 10 days I couldn't put any pressure on it at all, even my shoe touching it was agony. I was feart to go to sleep as it would seize up during the night and the pain in the morning would make a stone cry. Anyway, the only exercises I could do was core stuff like reverse crunches, and free weights. And wanking.
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