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Everything posted by Cerberus

  1. He put in that cross for Elliott and got booed at Ibrox by the **** for having a Cafflicky sounding name. Still a better signing than Stevenson IMO.
  2. Once you try chicken salt your can't go back.
  3. Good post. That's good to hear that someone is backing up their outrage rather than point fingers. The majority of the protesters are there for some Facebook justice. They don't care about politics, what happens in their own middens, in Parliament or to the refugees. They certainly wouldn't put their time and money where their mouth is.
  4. Rather than protesting the US's immigration policy, people in the UK should be telling Parliament that all the refugees the US are refusing should be offered places in the UK.
  5. 38% of Scotland voted for Brexit so I'd say that many.
  6. Apparently 1 in 3 Australian immigrants go back to Britain. They want some First World problems. It's a funny ol' life.
  7. Good shout. I've no idea who he is but he's wearing a scarf like a p***k. Hate that guy.
  8. The other person probably had to crawl out the window like Bo Duke cause you can't park for shit.
  9. I don't think you can take credit for developing Ross McCormack, or you'd want to take credit for Kyle Hutton.
  10. Which was created and the restrictions signed into law by Obama before the Republican Primaries when Trump was a massive outsider. The original point was that countries were included and excluded from the list to fit solely with Trump's business dealings which isn't right.
  11. Correct. The excluded Muslim countries don't have anything to do with Trump's business as you and others have implied.
  12. What business interests did Obama have in Indonesia?
  13. It's cool. The President of China has already tramped a lot of shite all over the carpet. http://www.news.com.au/world/asia/a-bloody-harvest-thousands-of-people-slaughtered-for-their-organs-new-report-reveals/news-story/f447a106a86b2735d6beb4ae1685c160
  14. Did Nisbet flop? I thought he had a falling out with McCall.
  15. When you graduate don't put BSc, BEng or whatever at the end of emails or letters. It makes you look like a fanny.
  16. If he thinks that the US and Russia will defeat ISIS in a month and wants to stop the fighters coming here looking for revenge then he has reason. If the conflict ends soon and bombs start going off in Europe then he'll have been proven right. Giving Syrian back to Assad and leaving the middle east alone would be great news for everyone.
  17. The biggest protest ever undertaken in London wasn't for the Brexit mess, Blair's WMD lie and the Iraq war, or any UK issues like child poverty or Trident, or for the Chinese, Indian or Saudi government visits, but will be for Trump coming to see the Queen. You'd think a few people have their priorities mixed up but the UK is utterly obsessed by the US.
  18. A federal judge has temporarily allowed access into the US for people with a valid visa. Trump is made to look like (more of) a fanny.
  19. The executive order is pretty vague. It'll work itself out. Nothing is more box office than Trump and the US so the new outlets like the BBC will be delighted, and social media can again be awash with attention seekers saying "omg. I'm giving up my weekend to protest this in the freezing cold". Theresa May though. Openly being Trump's little bitch in the hope that the US throws the UK a crumb post Brexit. Minter.
  20. A basketball player's eye pops out during game. https://www.thesun.co.uk/sport/2712608/basketball-player-akil-mitchells-eye-pops-out-socket-video/ You nasty.
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