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Everything posted by Cerberus

  1. The problem with Die Hard is that McClane went from a normal cop to almost a superhero that could drive a car into a helicopter. And the less said about the last one the better.
  2. Is there anything more satisfying that someone in boarding group C trying to get on with boarding group A and getting told to wait? Roon ye.
  3. On this day in 2009 Kris Doolan made his debut for Partick Thistle against ICT. What a guy.
  4. Once he gets confidence and some composure to not hit it straight at the goalkeeper he'll be fine. Compared him to Rooney is harsh. How many of Rooney's 6 goals have come from penalties?
  5. My uncle used to sit out the front of his house and yell at drivers going too quickly down his street. One guy didn't appreciate it and stopped so my uncle ran over and smashed the dude's car window with a rigging chain. You could try that.
  6. So senseless. Why would anyone want to go on holiday to Florida?
  7. I'd be surprised if there's not more than just us, Inverness and DU who want Storey. He'd could get a game for anyone in Scotland outside Celtic and Aberdeen. We'll get an unknown English League 2 striker on loan, or Brian Graham.
  8. We have extended family in Denver so when visiting them we spent some time in Denver, Boulder City and Colorado Springs. Denver is really nice, the people are great and the view of the Rockies are amazing. I also like that CO is liberal and the state healthcare plans look decent for our dotage. We won't be in SF for much longer.
  9. Yikes. The missus and I really like CO so we were thinking about moving there at some point in the future. I don't think we'll bother.
  10. Scarfs on men. Only acceptable at the football and for covering your mouth during a train robbery in the 1800s.
  11. I met Kevin Bridges in The Loft a few years back. His girlfriend was rough as f**k.
  12. Bodywarmers. Absolutely useless. The chest is the warmest part of your body. Why would you specially want to keep your torso warm and your arms cold? Only utter welts wear them.
  13. I watched various episodes and I couldn't get into it. I didn't find it funny at all. I thought the male characters were unlikable, especially Ted. He was a whiny, needy little bitch.
  14. I haven't had dilutable in ages. I used to drink it straight out the bottle as a kid when no one was looking. When my mum made it for me she would always make it really watered down which tastes worse. True story.
  15. I call it Dilutable. I would also occasionally drink it without diluting it, cause I'm fucking mental.
  16. People that come into work when they are sick and then smugly tell people like they are some sort of hero for being brave. Get to f**k ya selfish b*****d. I don't want your scabby germs.
  17. I've found that Budget are probably the cheapest. I would definitely book online in advance. It will be cheaper than walking up when you arrive. Booking online allows you to take off all the added on shite like extra insurance, and you can choose the type of car you want rather than being at their mercy and getting landed with "whatever is available" which could be a car a lot more expensive than what you wanted to pay. I'd also recommend not picking up at the airport if possible. Rentals at airports are always more. And fill the tank up before you return it. Rental companies can charge you about $9 a gallon for petrol as opposed to $2 odd.
  18. I thought Deadpool was underwhelming. I expected better after the reviews. The bar has been lower so much on superhero movies that it was still one of the better ones. Ryan Reynolds was funny but the story was pish.
  19. Anyone that gives a kid a gun deserves to be shot. Unsurprisingly it's always in backward yokel places like Missouri and Indiana.
  20. Jordan McMillan is looking for a club. A c**t of a boy but he was a good footballer.
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