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Everything posted by Cerberus

  1. Why are you opening Christmas Crackers in November? You sicken me, sir.
  2. You just know that some fat slag in Larbert is going to post - Safe.
  3. Jill Stein had raised $1 million to pay for a recount. It's an expensive way to find out you got 3 rather than 2 votes.
  4. I would be very, very surprised if anyone voted for Trump on the basis that he was going to put Clinton in jail.
  5. I've had to stop watching the mainstream US news. CNN and MSNBC are like a chat shows now. The media's Nazi agenda hasn't hurt Trump so they've moved onto slinging mud about potential business conflicts that he could have with foreign governments. It's boring now. No one is buying it. Move onto real news like the North Dakota Access Pipeline or things Trump has actually done. I've seen 2 instances of Nazi symbols. One guy had a swastika sticker on the back of his car, and I saw another guy with the SS logo on his motorcycle vest. Neither look new though.
  6. The Muslim thing is ludicrous. The TTP and other free trade deals however are horrible for American workers. Binning it is a good thing.
  7. Trump wants to quit the TTP. At least he is sticking to his guns, so far.
  8. The Boulevard off Great Western Road in Clydebank was another place the maniacs went to cut some shapes. By cutting shapes I mean stabbing people multiple times.
  9. The burd put my Mars bar in the freezer. The fucking thing is inedible now. There is so much hate in the world.
  10. It would allow him to bypass the First Amendment.
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