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Everything posted by Cerberus

  1. Fernanda Santos probably deserves to be told to f**k off. It's not a joke that utter welt media outlets like the NYT were fawning over DT when he was running for the candidacy, and then proceeded to reinforce his support after he was nominated. They need to take a huge amount of the responsibility in the Trump Phenomenon. He shouldn't have been given the time of day. Sanders had a real phenomenon but an old Jewish guy with crazy hair talking about income equality wasn't news worthy.
  2. Edge of tomorrow. Groundhog Day with aliens and whatnot. Better than i thought it'd be. 7.5/10
  3. You like potato and I like potahto. You like tomato and I like tomahto. Potato, potahto, Tomato, tomahto. Let's call the whole thing off.
  4. Is that another yet billionaire Rangers have chased off? What you guys at now? Going for 55?
  5. Rangers did indeed die m8. Mind all that stuff about starting in the 3rd division?
  6. £18,000-a-week is a lot. I imagine Warburton will use the freed up wages to sign quite a few middle aged English League 1 players.
  7. We've all moved desks at work so I've spend the last hour hearing people moaning about it. The guy behind me had spilled an entire pound of sugar in his drawer and hadn't cleaned it up before moving which was pretty funny.
  8. They got to Air Canada as well . http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2016/11/07/air-canada-poppy-ban_n_12847012.html Canada is basically a cold and poor Britain so I'm not surprised.
  9. For a second I thought you wrote immolate. I was all ready to celebrate.
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