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Everything posted by Cerberus

  1. The Daily Mail must be livid that a minority woman has stopped Brexit. Wouldn't have happened in the golden 50s.
  2. Get pished in the park and then finger her clit. Airdrie burds love that.
  3. The Daily Mail comments are good. Dem immigants taking ma jobs.
  4. We'll be fine. With the Pound being completely trash India and China will be moving jobs here soon.
  5. The best bit about this time of year is when some complete nugget on Facebook misspells poppy as poopy. Guid times.
  6. Are these the same old c***s that shat their breeks and voted to stay in the Union? Thus condemning future generations to more Thatcher like rule so these old c***s didn't lose their pension and Union Jack bunting.
  7. Morton are up to the dizzy heights of mid-table in the Championship and their fans are getting aw uppity. Back in your box.
  8. The poppy has been taken over by the UKIP, BNP, Britain First bigots. No surprised to see Rangers fans like Chris Jack clambering all over it now.
  9. Third World Problems thread for the Australian pish.
  10. It's not Nissan specific but the agreement could be that the 10% tax the EU imposes on imported cars will be covered the UK. More cuts to public services then. Good times. At least they've shown those unelected bureaucrats, sort of.
  11. Danny Lennon has applied for a job with some junior mob. Anyone still want him at Firhill?
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