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Everything posted by Cerberus

  1. That organisation sounds made up. To quote the great Ally McCoist- "who are these people?"
  2. This one is easy. I just saw it and I can guarantee a lot of people on here will see one today.
  3. That’s an embarrassment for Labour. Corbyn needs to put country above party and resign and let someone less divisive take over.
  4. I used to drink with a guy who was best mates with his girlfriend’s brother. He used to shag around and the brother never told his sister. That was weird.
  5. Summer is not the best season. In order of goodliness it goes autumn, summer, winter, spring.
  6. She’d be right at home in the DUP. Controlling the government during the day and rebuffing dinosaurs in the evening.
  7. Get Weir, Goodwin and the TFE chancers in the sea. If Beattie thinks the “venture capitalists” will be good for the club then that’s the way we should go.
  8. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-49881980 Chancellor Sajid Javid has pledged to raise the National Living Wage to £10.50 within the next five years. It might sound pitiful but after Brexit £10.50 will be today's equivalent of £20.
  9. 2 dug meat teams tbh. Emery is no better than Wenger.
  10. I'm concerned that Weir's intentions for controlling the club are selfish. It's a vanity project for him. He is trying to wrestle the club away from Beattie for no other reason that he wants to be in charge. He is using the guise of fan ownership to do that. If he was genuine about supporting the club then he should recognise that we're in a good place right now and help Beattie in getting us back to the Premiership. I'm also concerned that TFE would back anyone as long as they dangled the carrot of fan ownership IMO. Fan ownership is a klaxon call to all the pathetic gimps in our support who are desperate to wear a suit to the game, sit with directors, feel important and be ITK. Charge them £40, give them a PTFC tie, let them meet McCall and send them on their way.
  11. Calm down. If you want Thistle fans to invest and get behind this then stop acting like a fud. The concerns over fan ownership are as legitimate as handing the club over to an unknown party. You have the begging bowl out already, you're on here patronising fellow supporters and quite frankly the whole thing just reeks of a bitter attempt by Weir to get Low back in as Chairman, which was a complete mess the last time.
  12. The Government doesn't cares about Thomas Cook because the passengers are working class jakes. If it was British Airways in trouble then the Government would be all over it. The TC passengers look like they'd fit right in on the horrific club photos thread.
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