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Everything posted by Cerberus

  1. The transformation into Poundland Trump is complete. I can only imagine the lead up to the next GE will be a barrage of mud slinging against Corbyn and Labour.
  2. The TFE needs to be told to gtf. In all seriousness though it’s pretty important that it’s fired into the bin.
  3. I don’t think he’s shite but he’s not as good as the English make him out to be. Put me in that Man City and I’d look good.
  4. That would ruin a good remote control. Be a man and get a dildo.
  5. Let’s all laugh at the woman. It probably wouldn’t be posted if it was a male taking the corner. You see terrible corners all the time that hit the first player or go way over everyone’s head.
  6. We should knock in 3 or 4 here and then take it easy in the 2nd half.
  7. Soldiers should get footballer players’ gloves IMO.
  8. Bizarre that Man Utd, the 2nd richest club in the world need to go with a 17 year old academy player up front because they don’t have anyone else. Ole is a terrible manager but the whole club is a fiasco.
  9. The wee guy is in your signature on the desktop site.
  10. She never throws anything out to the point where every single place for putting anything is jammed to f**k. We’ve so many cups that they won’t all fit in the cupboard and sit permanently on the countertop. Same with pots and pans. The walk-in closet is a no go zone for me. You can barely get 2 steps in the door before you hit a wall of clothes and shoes. We have a tidy up and it’s means moving stuff from one place to another, or throwing it in storage which is also stuffed with shite she hasn’t seen in at least 4 years.
  11. It’s tradition to watch it at this time of year.
  12. Decent player. If he scores 20+ in the Premiership then he might go to an English League 1 team for £250k like Kane Hemmings.
  13. Agreed. What’s worse, Rab spamming threads about Liverpool or syphilis?
  14. Caldwell was shite but to be fair Zanatta, Fox, Palmer and maybe Kenny Miller were decent signings.
  15. Rangers are still shite. Aberdeen have regressed.
  16. Philip Hammond is saying that Boris Johnson wants a hard Brexit because the people who backed his campaign will make millions. Boris is actively trying to f**k up the country for a quick payoff. Anyone who wants a Hard Brexit is either a complete idiot or a racist fucker.
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