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Status Updates posted by CelticMark1888

  1. How are Spurs not 2 up.. Reading have to cut out the mistakes at the back or its going to be a long season..

  2. -- Stereolab -- Cybele's Reverie (Live on Jools Holland) --http://t.co/JmFQl7fT via @youtube

  3. Wonder if Sainsbury's know that one of their clients has adverts like that. not sure they'll like 50% of Scotland not going into the shops!

  4. --Yeah Yeah Yeah-- Miles Away-- John Peel session--http://t.co/I5LVR8cN

  5. How will the underdogs get on in the Cup against QoS.. #HAHA

  6. Tweets about Miku are same people that wanted Celts to sign players & thrown them into Champs League qualifier, it takes time to gel as team

  7. --- Neil Young -- Sugar Mountain 1968 -- http://t.co/VYRlxUSB via @youtube

  8. --- Neil Young -- Needle and the Damage Done ---http://t.co/HYfAJwLq via @youtube

    1. Joeybhoy


      Absolute quality. My personal faves are Cripple Creek Ferry, Heart of Gold and Old Man. goosebumps.........

  9. The Late great John Peel's Festive 50... http://t.co/pWIQbgJs

  10. Palestinian women face rising domestic abuse - Middle East - Al Jazeera English http://t.co/YgwDKwsW via @ajenglish

  11. If Sevco found guilty of Cheating good chance they will lose League Titles but they may get to keep the Cups or best option no-one wins them

  12. When will Sevco fans get it into their heads Stripping Titles is not a punishment, its correcting wrongdoing punishment may come after that.

    1. Itwiznaeme


      Those among them who believe it to be a punishment are too stupid to ever admit that their old club cheated and that the consequences of that cheating must be the stripping of all trophies won during the time period in which their old club cheated.

  13. Has Sky Sports or any other TV station mentioned Jeff Winter's door was kicked in for his comments on his blog..? #SkySports #Talksport

  14. I just got some FREE music from Aimee Mann on @noisetrade. Download it here: http://t.co/lSQUVpWZ

  15. Video exclusive: Inside Syria's rebel Farouk brigade - Channel 4 News http://t.co/Ar2o1vE0

  16. Yes... Yes... just woke up to Andy Murray winner of a Grand Slam...

  17. Would Sevco fans not rather lose titles from history & start with new club than not have club at all.? They better watch what they wish for!

  18. David Weir Wins the Marathon for 4th gold medal..

  19. Link for Sunday Supplement starts at 10am... http://t.co/l2brVKS0

  20. The next star from Barca, Jean Marie Dongou...http://t.co/xE93nZGb

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