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Diamonds are Forever

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Everything posted by Diamonds are Forever

  1. There is a difference in that almost always a treadmill will give a falsely high reading of how far you have run. I noticed this a few years ago when I'd do runs on the treadmill and then run outside and my times were a lot slower outside, even allowing for the different environment, stopping for traffic and stuff like that. I looked into it and found an interesting piece on it which I just tried to find and couldn't. Effectively you could stand on a treadmill and jump up and down and it would say that you have travelled a distance when obviously you hadn't, how inaccurate it is depends on your running style. I quite like treadmills because my knees are dodgy and I find it more comfortable than running on concrete, but I would never take any notice of the times and distance.
  2. There's no doubt he has to become more aggressive, his losses in the Slams this season have all been by 'big-hitters' who have been handed the initiative by his defensive play and have just blasted him off the court. It seems that he plays 'passively' and if he goes behind he goes into his comfort zone, which is being even more passive, which just makes it worse. That's the way he has always played so it might be hard to change, but I think it's a case of taking 1 step back and 2 forward for him here. His Grand-Slam results have been pretty poor, the French was decent, Wimbledon on paper looks good but he had an extremely good draw and even then was close to losing in the 4th round, and the Australian and US Open have been terrible. There shouldn't be any knee-jerk reactions but he needs to consider changing something. Physically he is in top condition, he has every shot in the book, so it has got to be a problem with the mental/tactical side. However, he does seem quite stubborn so will be interesting to see what he does.
  3. One set down. Far too passive again, needs to take the match by the balls instead of waiting for Cilic to mess up.
  4. Comfortable in the end, however he still seems to lose concentration for 3-4 games in a row in most matches, which against decent players he just can't afford to do.
  5. That might actually help Murray, maybe not to win the tournament, but certainly to get the final. There are question marks over the fitness levels of Del Potro and also Nadal's knees so a couple of tough matches in quick succession could have an affect on them if they end up in a tough match with Murray, whereas with Murray's fitness levels you wouldn't think it would matter.
  6. I agree, the whole thing is far too scripted now. It obviously always has been but it is just been pretty blatant recently.
  7. No he hasn't. He has simply stated that it is not right that we do not know what league we will be in, just one week before the start of the season. He is quite right to complain about that, how the hell is he meant to build a squad in that situation ? One minute he is looking at 2nd Division players and the next minute it looks like Livi are going bust and he will need 1st Division players. He also probably feels agrieved that due to Airdrie 'living within their means' and not 'cheating', he now has 2 relegations on his CV (obviously there were other factors, such as him being a poor manager ), while one of the clubs that 'cheated' looks like getting away with it. I'm not KB's biggest fan by a long way but I do have sympathy for him, and what he said was spot on.
  8. It was reported earlier that the bond that Rankine and McDougall have to pay is £700,000. If I was owed money by Livi and I found out that they had that kind of money at their disposal to give as a bond yet I still wasn't getting paid I wouldn't be too pleased. Secondly, was one of the main purposes of the meeting on Thursday not so that Livi could assure the SFL they could fulfil their fixtures ? They clearly couldn't give this assurance otherwise they wouldn't be asking for this money. Or have the SFL realised they have made a balls up after seeing the reaction of fans and clubs and are now trying to enginer it so Livi will be punished without making it obvious they have changed their mind ?
  9. It was reported in the press last week that if Livi went bust Airdrie would replace them. Also considering Jim Ballantyne's place at the SFL it's fairly obvious he had good reason to assume we would be promoted. I think his comments are spot on. Don't see why you would be astonished.
  10. You said he was single handedly responsible, and that is all I disagreed with. And as you have just described there are numerous people have contributed to Livi's demise just as much, if not more, than Massone. Just because he is the man who happened to be around during their final days doesn't make him solely responsible.
  11. It's just such a stupid thing to say. The club has been run shambolically from start to finish, to say he is 'single handedly' responsible is just so idiotic that I can't be arsed arguing about it. I think 'pish' sums it up perfectly
  12. Can people stop posting the number of users please ? We can see for ourselves, thanks
  13. Why is that shocking ? Far more people will be interested in someone having a medical at Man City than a Scots 1st Div club going bust. Sad but true.
  14. The train from Glasgow to Airdrie/Drumgelloch is like getting a tour of the worst places in Scotland.
  15. Apparently we will be getting promoted should Livi go bust on Wednesday. Pish! Edit: Beaten to it.
  16. Tbh it's not really anything to with our situation, we deserve to be in this league and I feel it will actually benefit us rather than getting another dodgy promotion and trying to paper over cracks again. It's more that everyone could see what was going to happen, yet they didn't have the balls to make a pro-active decision and, at the very least, relegate them. Instead they just seemed to hope the problem would go away. By fannying about doing nothing the first division is going to be a bit of a joke this year. Assuming they get a points deduction there will be no point them turning up.
  17. That action should have been taken two months ago to avoid the situation we now have. Instead we've got the ridiculous situation where the first division is either going to be a 9 team league, or there will effectively be no automatic relegation.
  18. Strolled that tournament. Still think he can go up another few levels. Undoubtedly good enough to win Wimbledon, just got to hope it all comes together at the right time.
  19. Someone made the comment a few pages back (can't be arsed checking who) that at times in matches he just falls apart for a few games for no apparent reason, and it happened again today. He needs to cut them out or he will never win a slam, you can't just give your opponents a free set like he did today.
  20. I have no doubt that the main reason he reached the US Open final, (beating a knackered Nadal in the process due to his good run at the Olympics), was because he lost so early at the Olympics. I remember thinking at the time that losing would be good for him. He clearly has his priorities, whether it is right for him to do this is debatable, however I think he is being pretty clever about it. Murray will be judged on the number of Grand Slams he wins at the end of his career, not whether he reaches the later stages of the Olympics or wins a few Davis Cup matches.
  21. So you don't think he would like to come back to Scotland then ? And that example you give is completely irrelevant. Mainly because Alan Hutton is not exceptionally better than any other player we have. And also because in football teams can, and regularly do, beat teams who have far superior players (Scotland do it more than anyone else), this hardly ever happens in Tennis. In Tennis you can't rely on formations or set-pieces to fluke you a win, you need players with skill, other than Murray we do not have any. As I said I don't think he did fake injury, but I wouldn't blame if he did. He will do far more for British tennis by winning a Grand Slam - resulting in thousands of youngsters taking up the sport who wouldn't otherwise, than by playing Davis Cup. If not playing Davis Cup helps him acheive that then I don't see how anyone can criticise him. British tennis would be non existant if it wasn't for Murray atm, for that reason the LTA have already recieved enough pay back from Murray for funding him.
  22. If it is a midweek friendly I have absolutely no problem with them withdrawing, I don't think you should risk an injury in a pointless game. Similar to Murray, he obviously doesn't really care about the Davis Cup, and IMO has every right not to. If we had somehow beaten Ukraine, we would have just got stronger opposition in the next match and got humped. Until we get another capable player in the team then I don't think you can blame Murray for withdrawing. Although I have to say in this instance I don't think he did fake an illness/injury, it was a match in Scotland which would have allowed him to go home a for a few days, and he would have won his 2 matches easily enough. I see no reason why he would bother faking illness. It is not like the last time where he had to travel to Argentina.
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