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Posts posted by kenny131

  1. 11 hours ago, Sunrise said:


    I brought that up on the Shortlees thread on the amateurs forum at the time and had a very racist comment about burkas aimed at me emoji17.png

    (Not necessarily by a Shortlees fan I add)


    To be honest f**k all wrong with those posts it's his opinion.  

  2. Sjfa actually still want to have a scottish junior cup after all the clubs leave to join the pyramid.......hahaha utter mental no wonder the grade has disintegrated.......also what happens to the hundreds of thousands pounds sitting in the Juniors fa bank.......my guess the shits retirement packages

  3. 10 hours ago, FairWeatherFan said:


    Some of the quotes from Gordon Ronney:

    He said: “The Scottish Junior Cup is 134 years in existence.

    “There have to be constitutional changes to allow it to fit into the fixture congestion and I believe those constitutional changes will take effect.

    “It is still to be established whether clubs will compete in the South Challenge Cup or the Junior Cup… but I believe the vast majority of clubs will choose the Junior Cup because it’s a more lucrative cup, the prize money is substantial and it obviously carries a senior Scottish cup place.

    “It’s loss its gloss a wee bit because of the East junior teams who left. I am of the opinion that it will go back to its original form.”

    Time too move on ffs the Juniors are no more.  Sjfa trying to cling on to anything it's embarrassing...money grabbing arsehole. That cup died of any relevance when half the clubs left. Time to moth ball it and place it in a museum where it belongs.

  4. The SFA should have made a decision across the board.....That's now too late as the highland league are 1st past the post in declaring a winner.  Probably in typical scottish fashion we will make an arse of it and every league will have different outcomes some declaring winners some null and void. You just know an utter cluster fcuk is incoming

  5. 38 minutes ago, TrebleTwenty said:

    It is grim reading. No club in the UK, in fact Europe  is going to be immune from the financial hit. As I fear this virus is not going to go away any time soon & it is going to change the football landscape in Scotland & beyond.

    The mentality of them, they are thick as mince. If any club in Scotland won’t survive this, it will be them. 

    Your club is going down the s.hitter and all you wanna to about is rangers fans... Aberdeen hearts won't be the only 1s.....Barcelona are asking players to take a 50% wage cut. 99.9% of teams all over the world will be up s.hit creek if football is still off come end of june

  6. 4 hours ago, Gordopolis said:

    It was more than one person, definitely. Hundreds, maybe even thousands. No idea how many exactly.
    My point is that I totally disagree with booing any Scotland player as well, but the last thing I'd do is turn my back on the national team in protest. Boo the booers, protest against the sfa, whatever, but I would never - could never - detach myself from a lifelong obsession with our national team.

    ^^^verge of tears, etc

    I used to be like that but the hatred in Scotland for anything British/the union has turned my country unrecognizable and as person who served 22yrs with my fellow Brits I find it indefensible a but like Scotland's back 4 against any fooker

  7. 51 minutes ago, Gordopolis said:


    Because some reprobate booed Ryan Jack last year. Nose, spite, face.

    Some reprobate?  You saying 1 fan did.  He was booed playing for his country because he was a rangers player simple......nose spite face god damn right on the plus side anyone but Scotland will give me plenty of happy times as they ain't doing anything for next 100yrs

  8. 31 minutes ago, Carnoustie Young Guvnor said:

    Mate you list your team as Scotland.  You're a weirdo.

    That's when I registered many years ago but my attitude towards our nation has changed and take great pleasure in watching us get humiliated.....the SFA  deserve all they get for there inhouse promoting buddies/corruption and the way they have destroyed scottish football  add in were now run by the nats and our country is now a cespit anti British.  I haven't looked forward more to upcoming Scotland games as these 1 maybe 2 so I can come on here laughing

  9. 58 minutes ago, Gordopolis said:

    I posted a few weeks ago re the fear I had about Haaland.

    I can't see how a player who is averaging a goal every 41 mins this season vs Champs League and now Bundesliga opposition can fail to score against us. Of course every player has an off day etc etc, but in a potential playoff final vs us it all just seems teed up for him to rip us to pieces. Not sure if SC has the 'nullify an opposition freak' string to his bow, but by God it looks like he will need it.



    If and a massive if scotland scrape past Israel and end up in Norway.....the score will be 1 of scotlands most humiliating in history and you have lots....hoping they get job done against Israel so I can watch the utter drubbing incoming in the play off final, popcorn will be at the ready.

    Scotland hosts euro finals and can't play a game hahahahha pleasing



  10. On 01/02/2020 at 15:33, Gordopolis said:

    Braut Haaland scores again (currently half time) for Dortmund. I expect that's him in the Dortmund and Norway starting lineups for good. It feels like an inevitability that, should we face Norway, he will make short work of our inexperienced, inconsistent, terrifyingly insecure defence.


    It's annoying enough when we end up chasing shadows against middling opponents with one freak player (Bale, Ibrahimovic), but I'll be mighty hacked off if we end up being papped out by Norway and their freak who exploded onto the scene and into top gear *just* in time for the playoffs.


    ETA: the big fanny's just scored a second emoji31.png




    He will hammer in 3 or 4 before half time if we manage too sneak past Israel which I don't think we will

  11. 10 hours ago, BingMcCrosby said:

    That's 6 straight starts and 4 goals.

    Pretty good and puts some of the negative posts in perspective. 

    If he can keep fit and keep scoring then absolutely he should be in the 

    ..I do think the SFA turned a blind eye too his clear stamp too keep him in the celtic team mind. Still I have a feeling he will pull out from the squad with a muscle injury that clears for next league match.

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