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Posts posted by Assasinach

  1. Thought neither side performed well. Really enjoyed the Swedes v Germany and the Dutch have scored some cracking goals. 

    Cuthbert for Scotland  at least can match any other best players. Don’t like to criticise Scotland goalie but a couple of poor goals conceded imo. Though some good saves. 

    Hope the European champs beat the world champions.

    interesting hearing ms solo telling how in the us national team is priority over club . Funny how the yanks are quite the opposite in sports compared to their survival of the fittest society.

  2. 4 hours ago, Tibbermoresaint said:

    The UK declared war on Nazi Germany less than 10 months after kristallnacht.

    Had nowt to do with our declaration. After six years of nazi rule when criticism of nazi rule was a no go. The antijew thing transcends fascists and commies. Fascists made camps and commies just killed were they could. 

    Fascists were über all. Still are. 

  3. 50 minutes ago, dorlomin said:

    Oh do go on. I am sure this will be popular on Pie and Bovril. :)


    mate said his Gran hated the Israeli Zionists more than the Nazis. But that’s their story.

    reality is there’s little acceptance that fascism that we call nazi was and still isn’t confined to the Germans in ww2 and never was. Appeasement was uk Government policy for years with the NSDAP long after Christalnacht 

    fascists come in all shapes, colours and sizes. 


  4. I reckon this is sooooooo dark. A mate’s granddad escaped Aushwitz quite famously as a teenager . 

    His story about how certain Zionist Jews did very well and worked with operations are repressed to an ever increasing level.

  5. 5 hours ago, Cerberus said:


    Top earners at the BBC.

    I genuinely didn't know Vanessa Feltz was still around.



    anyone notice their report on the Scotland Government encouragement for more Scotland based students to be future doctors in Scotland?

    They manage to spin it as anti-English. Despite the fact it applies to residents of Scotland and there are proportionally more English in Scotland than Scots in England. 

    They manage to spin an attempt by a government to improve the health of their population to a negative yet have no problem with a pm candidate doing the same for student “entrepreneurs “.

    they are not just biased. They are enemies of Scotland.

  6. 5 hours ago, RandomGuy. said:

    Had similar. Virtually side by side with an old guy in a two lane section, left lane turns left, right goes right, at the end. I could see through his back windows to give you an idea of how close we were, my car is a burgundy colour and it was midday.

    Halfway down he swings left and swaps lanes. No indication, no apology, nothing, I'm still utterly convinced he had no idea I was even there. The lack of accident there was entirely down to how good the brakes were, and the fact old drivers are constantly doing this shite around me so I'm wary of them now.

    My dad got his license back a year after his stroke and was scary as fuk to be driven by.  I refused to let my boy and I do so for years. He improved and was near to his best when reassessed and deemed incapable.

    3 hours ago, Mr Pikey said:

    I'm beginning to think you get a big bag of cannabis when you get a works van nowadays.  The amount of guys who think it's  ok to drive into my work,  smoking joints  and reeking of dope is astonishing .

    Best virtual reality game ever

  7. On 30/06/2019 at 16:12, Stinky Bone said:

    Listen I am really sorry, but I am having difficulty understanding anything you have posted here. 

    If you are capable of editing your post, then I would be interested in reading it.  At the moment it just looks like a bad game of scrabble. 

    Sorry for delay and doubt I’ll provide any clarification.

    the proponents for an independent Scotland will be required to hold hands with and walk through the changes with the uk folk. 

    A bit like the “ though I walk through the valley of death ...” (not sure of quote)  in order to assuage the fear. Seems fair to me . Otherwise would be like kicking your kids out without any training. There might be more of them and quite incapable but if not properly instructed they’ll just wreck everything. 

  8. On 23/06/2019 at 21:26, sureiknow said:

    I'm sure you know why not.

    Iran has threatened to destroy Israel on numerous occisions and is carrying out a Prozy War on Israel via Gaza.

    The shake heads, face palm and other imoji stuff can not express my incredulity. 

    You are deceitful. Or you are a nasty c**t.


  9. Above and beyond nationality. 

    Abrahamics. The core of western bigotry. Fuckers tonight considering themselves global ,because they were  Jew, Christian and Muslim. 

    Father Abraham is the biggest c**t. Whose time of western union is going to come to the fair and just end. 

    The dragon is rising and abe will be put to rest

  10. Is Scotland independence worthless ? Unless it  pursues an effort at explaining the potential for a future after uk, then fear is the opossums position .

    Last time a reasonable expectation of Scotland was there.

    This time a wish for the future of our uk nations is required. 

    I reckon the post empire nature of us deserve it . If William of Windsor declares that half of the crown estate is given to child poverty and education then he would win the first global elections. Also keeping half the richest global portfolio and guarantee Them.

  11. 20 hours ago, git-intae-thum said:

    Yeh. f**k all this nation shite. Let's get rid of them all. One big happy world. 

    Let's properly pool and share resources.......Like to actually help the proper needy. Not like some Gordon Brownesque clunking fist UK nationlistic empty coat suggestion of giving all Scotland's resources to the city of London.

    F@ckin Toom Tabard right enough. Do you know he actually penned a book in the 80's called "where there is greed". ......lol the irony.

    Anyway. To actually pool and share properly is going to take some.

    But....We will get their eventually. The world o'er..

    To actually get their?

    Each artificially constructed nation state eventually must dismantle. The sub bodies can then be governed forever by a benevolent federalist democratic council.

    The UK/England will be the start....probably the worst offender anyways, over the last half millennia for being a vicious nasty little b*****d country.

    UK gone is obviously going to happen at some point in the near future. 👍 Maybe then even  vicious but no quite as bad......Spain.

    Moving away from Mickey mouse countries though......yes britnats that's what you are.........nae luck.......we then have the USA's, the Russia's, the China's...... each of them a pretendy or non democracy. 

    Well gee whizz ....That's centuries of work....fake state dissolution in these places is probably not happening this century.

    The EU must survive though because it is a beacon for those that believe that enemies can become friends.

    Along with India, It is also the world's only example of  a super multi nation democracy. Therefore they are our beacons. Small scale examples for what will be a large scale future world democracy.

    So nationlism in the historical medium term (ie the next few centuries) is here to stay.

    But hey am a dreamer........and am not the only one.


    Enjoyed reading that.          Yes , read that.

    embdy spent time in bucks , England?   The university and Marlow sum it up. Stayed with a guy who’s software geekery had thanks to Microsoft maid him sorted for life within a year of housemating . Big house on the Thames but this young guy was struggling living in a community that solely treated you according to monetary wealth. And he was rich and arse lickers were natives.




    3 hours ago, Jacksgranda said:

    Surprisingly, there have been no posts for the last 16 hours...

    Cheers, fell asleep 

    Considering moving to Scotland. Recommend or not ? Ought to say I stay in a Southern English city that is an exception to the Southern English Nationalist but very much a home to UK established rule.  It’s just a thought. As is the South Island in New Zealand. 

    The cocky Gallagher in the background is distracting atm 


  12. 54 minutes ago, coprolite said:

    Why would you be embarrassed by something you're born with and feel as part of your identity. 


    Because allowing, nae, voting for the folk from another nation to rule your own is an ever increasing one. *

    Quite rare officially in the list of proper nations 

    *increasing embarrassment that is .

  13. Ignoring the proud uk folk won’t make the slightest in changing the reality that the rule for Scotland is their choice.

    I was on about nationality being not of individual choice that still along with social standing so usually says your lot. 

    Knowing your heritage is bonny

    global is it


  14. Dumbfuks. Well not dumbfuks in general as half of folk are by definition not as     As half the rest. It just seems that Warhol idea of famous for a bit has many dumbfuks not only exploiting their bit for a career but many dumbfuks still auditioning via youeffingtube, twatter and such ,consider themselves undiscovered gems.

    The tinterweb has enabled drunken hammered chats to combine with lonely delusions and rants in a way that is wonderous and shrug inducing at the same time. 

    Do quite enjoy my addled thirties

  15. As some poster recommended and I agree this should be passed to the pP forum.

    It does embarrass me to have a well heard of “nationality “ that relies on not much more than a few ever less inspirational sports teams an individuals to express Scotland nationhood. When we still defer to the majority England rule to govern Scotland. 

    Let’s discuss. 


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