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Posts posted by Raithie

  1. Would quite happily have Thomson in at CB with Mullen and Booth as full backs. Hopefully Hill is ok for Saturday. Callachan has to start in the middle alongside Moon (I'd have no issues with Fox being dropped). Baird will more than likely start however unsure whether Murray will play him alongside Smith or Spence. I felt Smith looked more lively when he came on against Hibs than Spence and he's good at the 'Elliot role' of holding up play with Baird being the work horse. Could work.

  2. It might just be the excitement building for Saturday but I'm starting to believe we could win. I said in the Hibs v Rovers thread in the cup forum that we'll get horsed but I'm starting to come round to the fact that we've been so chronic in the league in the past few weeks that we'll do something mental like put in the performance of the season and beat Hibs. I'm a fairly pessimistic Rovers fan so for me to be thinking this is quite worrying.

    Choo choo at 9:57am on Saturday. If we do get beat I'll be to pished to care.

  3. When do we start to panic? I know we're only out the playoff position by goal difference at the moment but we could realistically find ourselves down in 8th place if results go against us this weekend. It's all very annoying when you consider how good we were at the start of the season and we did have a decent gap between ourselves and teams below us. I appreciate that Murray and the board are not wanting to go all gung ho with transfers and that there are probably players on the radar but the lack of activity is a bit of a worry. The return of Watson and McGurn may just allow us to finish in a more respectable position.

    On a more positive note I see we've shifted 1400 tix for the Hibs game. No bad going when you consider our average home support so far this season.

  4. Who are we trying to kid? We're not gonna sign anybody whether it's on a free or a loan, we're going through this month without bringing anyone in

    Pretty much my thoughts as well.

    As I've mentioned elsewhere I get this feeling the club are more than willing to plod along with our current squad of players knowing we're probably to good to go down but have the possible scenario of making the play offs. We make the play offs that means ££££ we win the play offs that means ££££, we lose the play offs or don't even make the play offs that still means ££££ (due to possible teams in championship next season). Are the club fearful that promotion via the play offs incurs additional costs that we cannot afford ie media boxes, under soil heating, updated hospitality boxes etc?

    If we remain in the championship next season through choice (horribly choice of words I know) then it'll just be a b*****d of a league to get out of.

  5. Our second youngest turned 2 a few weeks ago and she's an absolute nightmare for tantrums just now, and her bed time routine has gone too for some reason, she just won't go into her own bed without an almighty screaming match and just gets louder and louder the longer she's left!! She won't settle at all unless she's in our bed and she's the only one that's done this, there's just nothing that will get her to settle in her own bed, which is strange as she was fine for a few months after she moved from a cot to the cotbed, but now she's a complete madam and will not calm down until she gets in to ours!!! It's murder at night now :(

    Sounds like a similar situation to ourselves. I can't really complain considering how easy we've had it with him up until now. I'm guessing he'll be more aware of his surroundings and how to manipulate his parents into getting what he wants. He'll be chuffed to bits to know it's working :P.

  6. Our wee one will be 21 months on the 1st December. Whilst he's not 2 years old yet I can definitely see where the term 'terrible 2's' comes from. He wasn't properly walking til about 19 months but his speech has been ridiculously good for quite a while now. I think his new found independence and wanting to express himself more and more is frustrating him. His night time routine has went down the tubes and he's frequently getting up and not wanting to go back down unless he comes through beside us. We've tried controlled crying but it just gets him more and more worked up. What we've noticed is, when he starts crying during the night and we go to check on him, he's still asleep. Not sure if he's maybe having night terrors. I say that but he slept all night last night so there's no real pattern at the moment.

    Really looking forward to Christmas this year with him though :)

  7. You never know but there may also be an option to order tickets online through the Livesport website like we did for a couple of games in the past. I'm sure the club will be covering all avenues to ensure people that do reside outwith KDY can get a ticket somehow. I've never had bother getting tickets in the past for big games but wouldn't the club operate a system whereby you can phone up and pay over the phone by card and then just send the tickets out?

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