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Richey Edwards

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Everything posted by Richey Edwards

  1. I have read most of Irvine Welsh's books but haven't read Marabou Stork Nightmares. I have added it to my "to read" list.
  2. Yep. He designed part or all of these - shamelessly stolen from Wikipedia: Quite the CV he had.
  3. I am sure someone either here or on Twitter has a Scotrail card with a fake name and a picture of Stevo on it.
  4. I like Super Noodles tbh. Used to be partial to a tin of Super Lager as well.
  5. I read The Wasp Factory during a nightshift years ago and remember there being multiple quite effed up parts.
  6. A boy I went to school with was nickname Oeuf because he had an egg shaped head.
  7. For most of my working life I have worked in wards and care homes in which a lot of people have died and you hear all sorts of stories about ghostly stuff happening. I however have experienced nothing. I think people have overactive imaginations and the human mind has a great capacity to scare itself shitless.
  8. He only appeared when I had been drinking Buckfast.
  9. There was a ghost monk in my old house that was fond of walking about the upstairs corridor opening and closing random doors.
  10. What happened to our Gabonese (or is it Gabonian?) air valve friend?
  11. We'll never see the likes of Grangemouth refinery again.
  12. I have a book of his short stories and one was about a set of windup walking mechanical teeth that come to life and save someone from a car jacking by biting the perpetrator to death. It was quite funny.
  13. There was a book I read in primary school about a giant and a young boy. In the end the giant accidentally kills the boy and then kills himself out of grief. I am trying to find it on Google.
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