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Richey Edwards

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Everything posted by Richey Edwards

  1. All that looking at my card while ordering shite online has finally come in handy.
  2. I just took a guess and got my details right. Do they not have autofill in Elgin?
  3. Good shout. I was thinking of Walking On Broken Glass but changing the lyrics to reference Stephen Glass.
  4. Rumour has it that Annie Lennox is recording a song especially for this appointment.
  5. What's the pricing for the stream? I haven't been able to catch any of our games yet, but will watch it tonight.
  6. My great-uncle Richard (my grandpas oldest brother) was born in the 1920s, so the relative I have known who was born the earliest was most likely him. He died in 2004 though, so if we're talking about longest-lived relatives then my great-aunt lived into her late 80s and died about two years ago.
  7. I have visited many countries and never saw any evidence that anyone there cared about this game, or Scottish football in general. The supposed importance of this fixture on the global stage is vastly overstated.
  8. Yeah, serves me right for watching telly while playing. Well done.
  9. Ziggy_The_Spider beats RicheyEdwards by resignation. I did rage quit there because of the stupid queen move I did. Apologies.
  10. Some people thought I'd disappeared (no joke intended) because I changed my username a few times. I've since changed it back though.
  11. Am I correct in thinking that I need to win all of my remaining matches - and Strachanovski to lose all of his - to avoid automatic relegation? Well, it's been fun being in the inaugural top division. See you all soon. xxxx
  12. I probably could have defended that better, but was an enjoyable game. Deserved win.
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