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Richey Edwards

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Everything posted by Richey Edwards

  1. If you cannot go for under two hours without an alcoholic beverage, then you should re-evaluate your relationship with alcohol. Keep the ban.
  2. He already is quite a wealthy man. He worked in the Premiership for years and apparently made a few property investments that bring him quite a bit of money. He doesn't strike me as the kind of guy who would subject himself to being an OF manager for the sake of a little extra money, especially when he has expressed his disdain with the unsavoury elements of both sides of the OF. He is a Killie supporter himself.
  3. Steve Clarke has rejected both sides of the Old Firm in recent times, for well documented reasons. Absolutely no chance will he be the next Celtic manager.
  4. This is fast becoming the Chinese Democracy of football matches. And it will probably be as disappointing.
  5. You beat me. Maybe I'm Fort William and you're East Stirling.
  6. @Ludo*1, @Ziggy I am at work until 8 so won't be making moves until after work.
  7. It was an exciting game. I thought I almost had you beat at one point, but you turned it around.
  8. Strachanovski beats RicheyEdwards by resignation. Good game, but no way back for me in the end.
  9. I am still playing Strachanovski, I will play this weeks fixtures when this game finishes.
  10. Add me RicheyEdwards. I am currently at work and would get my balls kicked for playing chess in here.
  11. Yeah, I struggle on the attacking side and all of my friendly wins have been through capitalising on opponent mistakes rather than actual skill. I have improved since I started playing in the Chess League, because I was losing games easily at first whereas I'm staying competitive in games longer now. That's at least some sort of progress I suppose.
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