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Posts posted by adam4267

  1. And I'll just leave this here....m.

    Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon has officially banned Palestinians from traveling on Israeli-run public transportation in the West Bank, according to anew report by Haaretz, Israels most prominent newspaper.

    The new apartheid law dictates that Palestinians cannot take buses that go from central Israel to the West Bank. They must go out of their way, to the Eyal Crossing, near the city Qalqilyah, far from populated settler areas.

    1. He hasn't done that

    2. Palestinians are not Israeli citizens

    3. Israel does not have segregated transport. You are wrong.

  2. Tram.jpg

    Are you sure?


    Are you asking me if the women in hijabs are Muslim?

    I don't know what the women in the bottom picture are wearing but I'm 99% sure they're christians.

    It is not fine. Both are wrong and to varying degrees a bit backwards or downright medieval.

    If someone thinks that any country in the world having any slight amount of religious influence on their government is wrong, then that seems fair to me.

    But for the people who think the only country in the world which shouldn't be allowed to have religious influence on government is the Jewish one, and the only one they complain about is the Jewish one - then there's something wrong.

    "Fact" is an overstatement. "Valid interpretation" would be more honest.

    Personally I would suggest that being a signatory of the European Convention on Human Rights and particularly sections 9 & 14 outweighs the remaining awkward and unfortunate constitutional stains from England's reformation.

    You are of course entitled to view it differently

    I would view it that if Israel is a Jewish state because the majority of the people are Jewish and there is a small cross-over between religion and the government, then Britain is a Christian state because the majority of the people are christian and there is a small cross-over between religion and the government.

  3. because the UK doesn't ban Muslims the right to come live here? Because the UK doesnt pretend that its a Christian holy land? Because the UK doesnt have aparthied laws for non Christians? Because the UK doesnt pretend Christians cant live in peace anywhere? Because a Christian population wasnt imposed on a indigenous religion? Because the UK doesnt use historical Christian persecution as an excuse for occupation/genocide Because the Uk government is of mixed religion unlike any Israeli government? Because the UK didnt treat Ireland like Palestian because of terrorists? Because we dont have segregated transport like Israel. Because We dont have segregated Schools like Isreal Because we dont have government ministers calling for genocide of other religions? Because we aren't running the worlds biggest concentration camp like Israel? Or we dont slaughter entire streets because a terrorists lived there? Or because we can have a Christian, jewish, Muslim, Priminister unlike Nazi Israel?

    This sums up you're entire contribution to this thread. You don't really know the facts or have any understanding but you've heard a lot of lies and just repeat it all. Even in the face of photographic evidence proving your nonsense wrong I'm sure you'll keep arguing your way.

  4. because the UK doesn't ban Muslims the right to come live here? Because the UK doesnt pretend that its a Christian holy land? Because the UK doesnt have aparthied laws for non Christians? Because the UK doesnt pretend Christians cant live in peace anywhere? Because a Christian population wasnt imposed on a indigenous religion? Because the UK doesnt use historical Christian persecution as an excuse for occupation/genocide Because the Uk government is of mixed religion unlike any Israeli government? Because the UK didnt treat Ireland like Palestian because of terrorists? Because we dont have segregated transport like Israel. Because We dont have segregated Schools like Isreal Because we dont have government ministers calling for genocide of other religions? Because we aren't running the worlds biggest concentration camp like Israel? Or we dont slaughter entire streets because a terrorists lived there? Or because we can have a Christian, jewish, Muslim, Priminister unlike Nazi Israel?


  5. Where and why did exactly Hamas come about? Regardless, Israel has being doing the same thing to Palestinians long before they existed. Hamas offered Israel a 10 year ceasefire during the latest conflict. Yet Israel rejected that. What does that say about Israel?

    Yes and before them there was the PLO. Before them there was the Fedayeens. Before them there was the National Jihad. Before them there were rioters, and Arab militias, murdering Jews.

    The fact is all Hamas and their many predecessors want is an end to Jews living in Palestine. This has been going on since before Israel was even founded. From the Peel commission of 1937 to the Camp David Accords of 2000.

    That's why Palestinian leaders have rejected every peace agreement or partition plan - and that's why 60% of Palestinians believe the solution is one state, "from the river to the sea"

  6. You decided to compare Israel to NI. That wasn't my whataboutery it was yours.

    As I already expalined in this thread, there's only ever one way to defeat terrorism and despite you originally disagreeing with that, it did appear you were starting to come round.

    Now you've apparently gone entrenched again.

    Now you can go on all day about how much more civilised and organised the Israeli government is than palestine and I'm not going to disagree.

    However until such time as Israel decides to change tactics, I'm always going to view them as a first world nation who is powerful enough to choose how to deal with the situatioin. They can try to end it or they can try to contain it. At no stage hjave I seen them try to end it other than the one leader who was assasinated by one of his own people for even trying.

    If you won't allow palestine to become a proper nation with a proper defence force then you can't complain if the defence of that palce gets taken up by zealots and extremists.

    Defending against what?

  7. I wonder how many terrorists adam thinks are in plaestine.

    He may pretend there are millions while ignoring what that says about the brutality of the average IDF soldier since it wouild mean the IDF a lot better at killing innocents than the terrorists are.

    Or he may swing the other way and claim there are hardly any terrorists and thus be able to hold onto the thought that the terrorists would be more likely to murder people than the IDF members. This of course means that a nation of millions is oppressing another nation of millions just because they are terrified of a few individuals.

    There is no way to rationalise Israels actions here and makle them come out as the good guys.

    That's why adam isn't even trying. He'll ignore anything even mildly critical of Israel and just attempt to spam the thread out with whataboutery and irrelevance in the hopes that people either believe his propaganda or just stop reading the true horror of what the modern state of israel is.

    These are standard tactics you'll see all over the internet when some idiot tries to defend the indefensible.

    What are you on about?

    When people blow up your buses, cafes and murder your children every weekend it makes sense to build a wall to keep those people out.

    When people launch rockets at your homes everyday it makes sense to try to stop those people getting rockets.

    You can say whatever you like but the fact is Israel has a right to defend itself and just because a lot of people around the world hate them for that doesn't mean they are going to stop.

    The reason why I am posting is to counter the constant lies levelled by you and your type (see king's post above for example)

    The fact is there have been significantly fewer deaths in the Israeli-Arab conflict than nearly every other major conflict in that time (http://www.scaruffi.com/politics/massacre.html) yet people are more obsessed with Israel and peddling lies about Israel than they are about even acknowledging what's going on in other countries.

    Even this year there are six conflicts with more casualties than the Israel-Palestine conflict (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ongoing_armed_conflicts#cite_ref-31) yet this one is more talked about than all the others combined. People dress it up as huminatarian concern but they couldn't care less when Palestinians are being killed by other Palestinians or other Arabs. They couldn't care less about the tens of thousands of people in other places in the world that are being killed.

    The reason why this conflict is so much more talked about, and why Israel is demonised so much more than other countries which have done far worse, is quite simple and it's been shown on this thread amongst many other places time and time again

  8. Ok, just for you. Everytime I refer to the lack of rights of Palestinians in the West Bank you pretend that I'm talking about non Jewish people (is that allowed?) who managed to avoid expulsion from behind the pre 67 borders. Israel has made a 2 state solution impossible by carving up the West Bank, unless it were to withdraw its military and its uninvited settlements, which it will never do. Neither will it incorporate the West Bank into Israel, as that would mean sharing power with non Jewish people. That is why they are happy with the status quo, 1/4 of the electorate is easily incorporated and controlled. By the way, I really don't see how I can avoid the use of the words Jew or Jewish when discussing how Israel treats people of different religions. New immigrants have to swear an oath of allegiance to the "Jewish State". The Foreign Minister wants all Israelis, including non Jews, to swear it. To quote Gideon Levy, a well known Israeli journalist:


    You're trying to paint it as racist that immigrants to Israel have to swear an allegiance to the state. What about people in America or Britain who have to swear an allegiance to facets of the state they might not like. Whether it be immigrants or people involved at any level in the government, they have to swear an oath to the Republic and god in America or the Queen (the head of the church of England) her family and Britain's democratic values.

    Why is it racist for an immigrant to Israel to have to swear allegiance to the Jewish and democratic state, but it's not racist for an immigrant to Britain to have to swear allegiance to the Queen (the head of the church of England) and Britain's democratic values?

  9. You're either incredibly thick or are being deliberately obtuse. I charitably assume the latter, so I'll bid you good day.

    I'm interested to know your view.

    To me it seems you're trying to suggest that Israel is an apartheid state where only Jews have full rights. This, of course, is hard to believe when 1/4 of Israel's population is non-Jewish and enjoy all the same rights as Jewish citizens. Rather than addressing that fact which would make your conspiracy theory untrue - you appear to be taking the option of running away.

  10. Where do you suggest a Palestinian state should be now Israel has chopped the West Bank up into isolated Bantustans divided by Israeli roads, Israeli military checkpoints and Israeli only settlements? The reason Israel will never give the vote to those they rule in the West Bank is that they don't want to have to share power with non Jews.

    1/4 of Israel's population is non Jewish.

    Don't let the facts get in the way of your racist ramblings though.

    It's illuminating to see how the most fervent, yet most ignorant, Israel hating posters like yourself and The King also constantly bring up Judaism and "the Jews" at every opportunity

  11. They do if they were allowed to stay behind the pre 1967 borders, although their rights to equal treatment and services such as education and political representation are severely restricted. I doubt if any have been offered Israeli citizenship if they live in the West Bank.

    I would agree that no Muslim, Druze or Christian Israelis were offered citizenship - mainly because they are already Israeli citizens so don't need to be offered it.

    Why would any Palestinian in the West Bank want Israeli citizenship? You can't have an independence movement while at the same wanting citizenship from the country you want independence from. Israeli did actually offer citizenship to the 300,000 Palestinians in East Jerusalem but most rejected it as they don't want to be Israelis.

    Yes, they actually rejected the chance to vote and fully take part in Israeli life - the thing which you seem to be suggesting they are denied. Your ignorance and the incoherence of your argument is truly astounding. Just to sum up for you this hard to grasp point: Palestinians don't want to be Israeli - they want to be Palestinian.

  12. That wasn't the question. Here's a wee map. Only Jews are allowed to vote for their rulers in the brown bits, and in bits of the beige bits. This is how Israel has striven for a 2 state solution. ie. by doing every they can to subvert it.


    I really don't understand your point or why you keeping bringing up "Jews". All Israelis are allowed to vote for the Israeli government. All Palestinians are allowed to vote for the Palestinian government.

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