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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. Clegg was keen to have to have the FTPA because he didn't entirely trust the Tories and were worried they would call a snap election and throw him under the bus. They were happy to agree knowing full well they could throw his party under the bus later.
  2. If the Labour Party had given clear guidance to Labour voters to vote Remain then it is likely the referendum result would have been different. Otherwise why both campaigning. In that sense any leader but Corbyn would have been better.
  3. At the moment there are lots of places in Ireland where you can cross the border and not even know it. Last year I drove from Armagh to Monaghan and did not spot it. Lots of people in Ireland can accept a border if it is as invisible as that. As soon as it is made visible - everything changes. Especially if anyone has to be stopped and asked questions. Maybe nobody intends to return to violence but somebody might think the symbolic destruction of a border post would be okay. Unfortunately they are not very careful and somebody gets killed. "Can't have that. Let's get back at them." The Troubles were littered with hundreds of cases of tit-for-tat. .. and all for something that the majority in the North don't want and the majority in the South don't want either. That is how it will all return.
  4. It is absolutely staggering the number of people who approve of this, think we should just leave on 31st October and then on the 1st November everything will be back to normal and this whole matter will be behind us.
  5. IMO: Before the 2016 referendum, a lot of people had no real opinion on the EU - it was like the price of tea in China. However the whole thing was whipped up by politicians and newspapers to such a point that anyone who still did not have an opinion was regarded as an idiot. Some people voted in the referendum even though they were not that bothered either way. Others saw it as an opportunity to protest about something, anything, does it matter. The low-key campaign by the Labour Party did not help. Since then, Brexit has dominated politics for the last three years. Apart from Novichok in Salisbury, it has eclipsed every other discussion in parliament. It is unlikely anyone would admit that they still have no real opinion on the matter.
  6. As far as I know, the plan is to leave the EU, start off with EU law and then diverge wherever we like. This woman lobbies parliament demanding the right to sell faulty equipment. Sounds ridiculous but symbolically it just might work. Parliament debates the issue and the true patriots vote it through for king and country and all that. Then, somebody like Jacob Rees Mogg or Boris Johnson does a photo opportunity. "I can now say that here in Britain and only in Britain I can proudly purchase this faulty toaster from a charity shop." In order to demonstrate the point, he then tries to switch it on and is promptly electrocuted. What a devious plan!
  7. Unbelievable news on page 2 and fair play to BJ. Shoots 18 holes in 1 at St Andrews yesterday. Is there anything this guy can't achieve Just like Kim Il Sung on his first attempt at the game. Not sure if it was St Andrews though.
  8. So she is in for a shock when she tries to sell faulty electrical equipment after we have left. Oh dear, I better stop now.
  9. I heard somebody suggest America and Russia were involved. I guess I will have to clear that up for them.
  10. I have this image of Johnson going around saying "30 days to solve the backstop" with some aide tapping on him on the shoulder saying "actually sir, it is now only 28 days".
  11. Of course it was a success. They could have just told him to f*** off but they didn't. In fact they were diplomatic. This charm offensive is obviously working.
  12. What am I going to do with a bloody unicorn? Where am I going to keep it? That pointy horn looks pretty scary to me. I suspect that in November a lot of people will be saying "This isn't the Brexit we were promised".
  13. I don't know. Maybe he is confident. Still doesn't mean it is going to happen.
  14. Personally I would not have a problem with Jeremy Corbyn for this and I probably agree with him on lots of things. However, I suspect it ideally needs a figurehead leader who always knew from the beginning that Brexit was a really bad idea (similar to Churchill regarding the Nazis). Jeremy Corbyn would struggle to convince anyone that he is that person.
  15. The last time there was a government of National Unity was the second world war. On that occasional Neville Chamberlain was deposed as a weak appeaser. He was not going to be replace by Clement Attlee. Instead Churchill took over because he was the one Tory that the opposition and especially the Labour Party would accept. They may have disagreed with him on lots of thing but on the one big issue they did agree. He hated the Nazis and so did they. This time round Corbyn is seen as the weak appeaser of Brexit if not an out and out supporter. I can understand the distrust there.
  16. What puzzles me are the people who think it would be a disaster if Jeremy Corbyn became Prime Minister - the economy would go downhill, the pound would take a hit, foreign investors would move out, people would lose their jobs, there would be food shortages and general chaos everywhere. Totally unacceptable. However if the No-Deal Brexiteers offer a similar scenario to ensure we get out of the EU - well that's fine, bulldog spirit, the people's will and all that. If Jeremy Corbyn was the leader of a unity government that would be very different to a Labour majority government. The other parties could say "we are not part of your party, we will not agree to everything that you want to do. Let's make a deal." At the moment, the EU must be looking on dumbfounded. The ruling party can't make a deal with itself about what to do. The opposition likewise. Yet after the UK leaves, the UK will supposedly be doing deals all around the world.
  17. You forgot to mention Tony Blair, Alistair Campbell and Peter Mandelson. One of the reasons politicians are held in contempt is because they avoid the answer they are being asked and answering their own question instead. Sounds reasonable enough. However, it is undermined when people do the same thing at a referendum. "Do you think Scotland should be independent, Ireland should be reunified, the UK should remain in the EU?" "Never mind that. I am angry with the council for not emptying my wheelie bin last week!" To anyone so inclined, forget about any stupid protest vote. You are being one question. Just answer it.
  18. I think this is where the Remain campaign comes unstuck. Nigel Farage had no problem campaigning with George Galloway or anyone else who wanted to leave the EU, even if he had no common ground with them on anything else. By comparison if Tony Blair, Alistair Campbell, John Major, Change UK or even the Liberal Democrats say anything sensible about the EU, there is an immediate shaking of fists and screams of "but I disagree with you on other things". I think we should remain in the EU. I am sure there are lots of odious people who also think we should stay in - maybe for completely different reasons. I don't care. It is ridiculous to narrow your campaign to only people who agree with you on everything.
  19. The Brexit party gets votes despite having no manifesto. The Tory party got votes for trying to be more like the Brexit party than the Brexit party. The UKIP party got votes by pretending to be the real Brexit party The Liberal Democrats party probably has a manifesto but does anybody care apart from the fact that they are not the Brexit party. The Labour party got some votes without having any clear idea of who they are. What gets me is how the Monster Raving Loony Party got votes without having to call itself "The Real Monster Raving Loony Party".
  20. I agree. Surely there must be some people who voted Leave thinking it would a seamless change - like cancelling a gym membership for a gym you haven't been to in months. Of course nobody wants to admit they went into the polling booth and went "Eeny, meeny, miney, mo - oh what do you know - leave."
  21. Nae problem. You can tell a lot about a langoustine by looking at its facial expression.
  22. For Boris Johnson to succeed, he needs Brexit to succeed, including a no-deal Brexit if it comes to that. He has filled his cabinet with true believers so who can he blame if it does not work? He can try blaming the EU but if we hold all the cards, how will that work? If we come out without a deal then the following day will be spent making frantic deals all very much dictated by the EU with Nigel Farage constantly snapping "oh no - this is not the way to do it". A successful Brexit is only possible in the eyes of deluded idiots who are looking for somebody else to do it. I seriously doubt Brexit will be off the table before December and I expect it to be as much of an albatross around his neck as it was for Theresa May.
  23. I still remember his days as a busker, holding a guitar in hand and doing something with it. I refuse to use the word "play". Unless the judge is stone deaf, if the prosecution gets hold of any videos of his guitar torturing days - well, I don't expect him ever to get out.
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