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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. Probably find he wouldn't go skiing in New Zealand because it is too close to the edge of the world and he doesn't want to ski off into space.
  2. I remember Derek Hatton appearing on Question Time long ago. He got a rough time from the audience and other members of the panel. Eventually Robin Day felt sorry for him and threw him and easy one such as "do you think crime is wrong?" The obvious answer was Yes and he could then have talked about tax evasion and other criminal activity that goes unnoticed because it is rich people doing it. Instead he totally fluffed it and gained no sympathy from anyone. He was naturally combative and it was like he felt uncomfortable saying anything that even Tory voters might agree with.
  3. Assumption they would actually oppose Brexit or dilute it or make it less likely or prevent the Tories from bulldozing it through via a large majority. If Labour is offering up the exact same thing as the Tories - but slightly nicer - then I think these voters will go elsewhere. If Labour are going to have a stronger showing at the next election - I would wonder why.
  4. If the UK elections were not based on a corrupt electoral system this would be something of a non-event. These MPs would have felt no need to be in the Labour party in the first place. At the next election, some voters will vote for the sitting MP, some will vote Labour ("always been Labour") and it is possible the Tory will win the seat. I can fully understand the appeal of Jeremy Corbyn and his vision of a better future. However I can also understand those who feel frustrated by his handling of .. virtually anything. Not sure this group has a long term future but I can understand why they did it.
  5. A politician gets on stage and says "I'm angry". Some people say "Hey I'm angry too. We have something in common. I'm going to vote for you". It doesn't seem to matter that they might be angry about completely different things.
  6. I agree. I suspect there are people who didn't make up their mind until they were in the voting booth. IMO: If the EU referendum never took place and there had never been a campaign to leave then we would probably be talking about everything that is wrong with the EU. My view is that whatever is wrong with the EU is not going to be solved by leaving nor will leaving improve anything for the UK.
  7. If you go to Spain and want to ensure that nobody even attempts to talk to you in Spanish, the obvious solution is to carry a copy of the Daily Mail.
  8. To illustrate this: Atlanta is the main hub airport for Delta Airlines. It is the busiest airport in the world. Atlanta is the 40th largest city in the USA. Most passengers are flying on to somewhere else. I don't blame them.
  9. So this little girl would like to come home. There were other little girls that went to an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester and never came home. No doubt she would have condoned that attack. Similarly all the other attacks that have taken place across the UK and elsewhere. She is a threat to society. Her goals cannot be achieved by non-violent means.
  10. You could compare keeping the "no deal on the table" position with our position re nuclear weapons i.e. we have it, but we don't want to use it because if we do we know we will be f**ked for generations. Brilliant. If nobody thinks of a solution in the next 6 weeks, we are going to have thermonuclear war.
  11. The Brexiteers keep saying "we need to keep No-Deal on the table so that people will take us seriously". I am trying to remember when I last took them seriously. Not easy.
  12. I can easily imagine him as the evil doctor in a James Bond film. "You will tell me what I need to know."
  13. Does that mean we can resolve this mess by pointing out the disadvantages of owning a unicorn? They are loud, they are smelly, they eat a lot and if you get them angry well that's probably the end of you. Personally, I don't think I would ever want a unicorn. Can we cancel Brexit now?
  14. Last week a three piece combo consisting of two fiddles and an accordion were intercepted by heavily armed police on their way to a pub in the centre of London. The police later admitted that the whole thing had been heavy handed and there had been a misunderstanding but also advised the trio that it was a bad idea to call their band Plutonium. As for the band, Weapons of Mass Destruction, it is now recognised that their tour of Iraq in 2002 had unforeseen consequences.
  15. She was hoping to stay in Spain. She didn't understand that "Leave means Leave."
  16. Oh FFS, the only posts I do on here nowadays are random bollocks when my 3 year old has got a hold of my phone. Your three year old can write fluently in Finnish. I'm impressed.
  17. Ah, those dastardly Russkies are at it again. Jeremy Corbyn in cold war spy scandal! That compares with their devious plan to destroy Scottish football from within by getting "their man" appointed assistant groundskeeper at Stenhousemuir. Who knows actually. If it hadn't been for that suspicious win against Aberdeen, maybe he would have gone unnoticed and still be there now!
  18. Similar to this joke: This is the transcript of a radio conversation of a US naval ship with Canadian authorities off the coast of Newfoundland in October, 1995. Radio conversation released by the Chief of Naval Operations 10-10-95. Americans: Please divert your course 15 degrees to the North to avoid a collision. Canadians: Recommend you divert YOUR course 15 degrees to the South to avoid a collision. Americans: This is the Captain of a US Navy ship. I say again, divert YOUR course. Canadians: No. I say again, you divert YOUR course. Americans: This is the aircraft carrier USS Lincoln, the second largest ship in the United States' Atlantic fleet. We are accompanied by three destroyers, three cruisers and numerous support vessels. I demand that YOU change your course 15 degrees north, that's one five degrees north, or countermeasures will be undertaken to ensure the safety of this ship. Canadians: This is a lighthouse. Your call.
  19. Not as bad as the residents of Asuncion, capital of Paraguay. Their post ends up on Ascension Island from time to time.
  20. I suspect the Slovenians might take offence here. Not sure.
  21. Yeah and that was Plan 'B'. Plan 'A' was to go to the local bakery and buy half a dozen bagels - but they were shut.
  22. The band Chicago got its name when other members of the band noticed that Peter Cetera suffered from severe flatulence - and consequently so did they. Apparently he never got the joke.
  23. Can you explain the last row? Apparently you are more likely to have no opinion/would not vote if you are Protestant OR Catholic than if you are - ANY age at all. Is there a large Hindu population that will definitely vote on this matter? Just asking.
  24. If the Brexiteers bring about a united Ireland by peaceful means - will they be nominated for the Nobel Peace prize?
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