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Saigon Raider

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Everything posted by Saigon Raider

  1. I saw him twice I think and while he didn't impress he certainly wasn't helped by Kerr's awful start in the Betfred games. After watching McCann in those games I can't believe it's the same player who, I think, has started the season well in centre mid. I am assuming Vihmann will be comfortable after a couple of months training with the team. We could certainly do with more aerial power dealing with corners as that was a major issue last Saturday.
  2. Saints post a light-hearted video of some of the players playing Saints on Fifa 20. I tentatively open the comments..."they should be out on the training ground, not playing games" Shuts Facebook and learn my lesson - *never read the comments*
  3. Did my longest ever run this morning - 24km. Started at 5am when the temperature was only 26C...finished at 7:30am and it was already 32C. The last 5 km was tough and I am starting to get the fear about my first marathon on 30th November. Not sure I could have gone another 18km after that today - knees starting to hurt, sore toes, etc.
  4. I watched the first 3 episodes last night. The first one in particular is a tough watch - what is expected of a victim from the police seems ridiculous after such a trauma. The two cops work well with each other and I reckon I will blitz through it in the next couple of days.
  5. Do normal vpns still work with Netflix? I thought they tightened up on that I think they have tightened up but Nord usually works. Amazon Prime is the one that is most difficult to get around at the moment. I pay the equivalent of £8/month for Netflix (all the screens, etc) in Indonesia and they have massively upped their content over the past year. It also means when I come back to Scotland in the summer I log on with my Indo details and get full access to the UK Netflix. For some reason on my Apple TV, with my Indonesian subscription, they don't have access to TV series just movies, although the new movies only cost about £6 to buy and £1.50 to rent.
  6. Just finished this and it is just fantastic. One of the rare shows that I was actually thinking about during the day - the characters are great and by the end the tension is unbearable!
  7. It's on my Indonesian Netflix.
  8. Not sure if anybody has mentioned it before but I have just finished ep 5 of Trapped. It's an Icelandic crime drama series, along the same line as the original Danish version of The Killing (Forbrydelson). If you are a fan of the Scandi-noir style, snow, mountains or beards then I think you will really like it.
  9. Been listening to some audio books while out running. Stephen Fry reading Sherlock Holmes is excellent - just finished A Study In Scarlett, have never read any of them but was really well written and Fry is good. Also listening to Calypso by David Sedaris. I heard him on Adam Buxton's podcast and thought he was hilarious, his writing is also very entertaining.
  10. A couple of posters mentioned the ball tracking looking incorrect and Stokes also said it. Joel Wilson was actually a lot better in this test. Ben Stokes’s rampage should not be sullied with a judgmental asterisk https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2019/aug/26/ben-stokes-england-ashes-australia-drs-asterisk?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Copy_to_clipboard
  11. Oh mate, hope you had an absolute cracker.
  12. Cricket has given me two of the most amazing sporting occasions I have ever watched this summer. Stokes is an immense player. Bowls 14 overs on the spin the other night and then does that!
  13. Chris Gaffeney has had another absolute nightmare giving Bairstow out. Not as bad as the Root LBW when he hit the cover off the ball but still a shocker.
  14. Will definitely be a happier squad without Richard around.
  15. Disagree they are pointless runs - England are running off there with the whole crowd behind them and the Aussies have been smashed all over the park for the last 30 minutes. When Archer gets the new ball, Australia know they can only survive and with no Smith it's going to be very interesting.
  16. If Smith is out of the next game it will mean Paine actually has to captain the team - would be a massive loss for the Aussies and their batting line up is just a shaky as England's without him (maybe even more so). Buttler and especially Stokes very good this morning. Pitch is doing a little bit and one from Lyon stayed very low. Should be about 70 odd overs left, if England get to 200 ahead would be interesting if they put the foot down for a few and then stick them in. Even if England don't win it let Archer get a head of steam up and fly in for a bit.
  17. Just finished it there and thought the quality was excellent all the way to the end. What a show, genuinely one of the best things I have seen in ages.
  18. Got mine done with a local anaesthetic in Jakarta as the cost for that was inside the insurance limit. Got hammered the night before, which was a ridiculous plan, and had the worst hangover. The procedure went on for 45 minutes, he told me he might have cut the wrong thing i.e. a tendon by mistake, and got it quickly sent away to test it. During the procedure somebody was wheeled into the curtained cubicle next to me to get an ultrasound...When he was still going after about 30 minutes the anaesthetic started to wear off so needed another jab. Was a dull pain for a couple of weeks afterwards but fine after that. Went to get tested after the summer holidays and there were still a few swimmers so waited a couple more months and got the all clear. Getting it tested at the international hospital was weird as I was shown to the delivery suite where my wife went into labour with our daughter - all the nurses looking at me knowing fine well what was going to be happening once the door locked!! Was pretty traumatic but it makes a decent story and 100% pleased I got it done.
  19. Started my 11th year of international teaching yesterday. The new Grade 11s seem really nice - lots of new kids to the school as they come here to do the full IB or APs before college. Good to be back, genuinely can't imagine myself doing anything else for the rest of my working life!
  20. Who was saying that? I haven't heard/read any English commentator/analyst talking down Lyon for about 6 years!
  21. It was Buttler who survived the LBW - not that it matters! I thought Root and Stokes were the only chance for England here - I hope it's not but this will probably be over by 3pm. At least I will get an early night - been finishing at 1am over here!
  22. Denly not looking like getting runs is bad enough but wasting a review of a massive inside edge...
  23. He wouldn't be in my team for the 2nd test. But, he was the top wicket taker in the world last year - so not quite an eternity.
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