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Saigon Raider

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Everything posted by Saigon Raider

  1. I haven’t noticed any issue with notifications. What is supposed to be happening?
  2. Just watched this last night as it appeared on Netflix. Thought it was excellent, up there with Logan for my favourite Marvel movie. Michael Keaton as Vulture was very good and I liked his back story - it all just worked really well.
  3. Here is the last three weeks of my marathon plan - there is a definite taper off in terms on the distance.
  4. Some of these times are insane to me - no idea how you can have such a nightmare and still do 1:41. My last half was 2 hours, I could blame the 35C by the end but no way in any weather I could get near you guys. Just got my fastest 8km the other day and that was 36:50. After just two months of proper training already noticing a real difference.
  5. Been playing Golf Clash for about 9 months now.
  6. The Adam Buxton podcast, in general, is just lovely. I quite like going back and listening to the old ones - Bob Mortimer being a particular favourite.
  7. I need a target or I am fucking hopeless. Sign up for anything and it should help - I bought Runkeeper and it will help with a training programme if you need help to know how far/fast in the build up.
  8. I was 10 and we were in the stand at the Saints end as well. I remember we were amazing that day - I have a feeling we nearly scored early on but not sure. Got back to the car after it and heard about Hillsborough - I remember that clearly. Went to the replay as well, got absolutely scudded - think Gary Stevens may have scored a beauty.
  9. A while ago I could barely walk after an 11 mile run with my knee feeling in pieces. Went to a clinic in Perth and they analysed my running style - the doctor told me I had weak glutes!! So, all the pressure was onto my knee due to this and that is where the pain came from. I now do Pilates twice a week and it has made a massive difference in my posture and lengthening my hamstrings. Flexibility is so much better, has helped my football and running - feel fitter now at 40 than I did at 25. I am lucky as my health insurance covers the classes but I would highly recommend it or even following something on YouTube.
  10. I love the story of how Indonesia, where I live, kind of inspired Frankenstein (in a roundabout way). Mount Tambora erupted on an island in 1816 and there was then the "year without sun" - basically it brought about a 3C temperature drop and miserable weather for about 3 years. Shelley, her family and Byron went to Geneva, told each other horror stories, probably took heaps of opium and she ended up writing Frankenstein. More on it here http://nautil.us/issue/31/stress/the-volcano-that-shrouded-the-earth-and-gave-birth-to-a-monster
  11. Can I recommend Frankenstein - amazing it was written in 1818 and Mary Shelley was 18 when she started writing it. I loved it.
  12. I know, it's a bit ridiculous. Just don't want to start missing runs so early in the training programme as, with my personality, it becomes too easy to sack them off when I don't feel like it.
  13. I am following a training plan on the Runkeeper app and today is supposed to be a 12km run, however, I played badminton last night so am a little sore and play football tomorrow night. Would you guys just bite the bullet and battle through the run or is it best to just leave it? I don't like missing runs on the plan but sometimes circumstances make it difficult to fit it all in. Any thoughts?
  14. Have just started Red Sister (Book of the Ancestor, Book 1) by Mark Lawrence. I do like to throw in the occasional fantasy series to my reading, this one has started really well.
  15. The latest Athletico Mince on Steve McLaren had me absolutely hooting.
  16. I have been listening to Mobituaries. An American comic looks at some interesting lives - latest one was about Ang and Chang the Thai Siamese twins who went to the US in the 1800s.
  17. I am used to it now mate - this is my 10th year in SE Asia. It's weird but the heat/humidity doesn't seem to affect me too much, my Aussie wife struggles way more than me! 12km yesterday morning - was slow (5m 45/km) and was a bit of struggle as my legs felt heavy, cardio seems to be fine though.
  18. Hi all, new to the thread but looking for advice/support during the next 8 months. Have started training for a marathon in Singapore in December. Completed about 6 half marathons over the past 15 years but never tried a full. Following the Runkeeper app for a training plan and go up to 12km tomorrow morning, it can be tough when it is upwards of 35C here in Jakarta. Did my last 8km in just under 40 minutes which I think is my fastest time. Can't believe how much easier it gets after just one month of training.
  19. Just finished The Book Of Dust by Phillip Pullman. It’s the prequel to the His Dark Materials trilogy and is superb. It is aimed at a teenage audience but I have loved all of them, highly recommended.
  20. Not sure if anybody will be interested but I sent Saints TV an email asking if there could be a part of the website where the score from the game is hidden so you could watch the game "as live". Got this back: Hi, We have just created a system where this is a possibility, we need to train club staff on how to implement this. It may not be until the start of the new season until it is rolled out but we will speak with the club about this.
  21. Problem solved - cheers. No idea how I missed that in the first place.
  22. With the Pocophone F1 - has anybody had any issues with the GPS? Went for a run today and it was a nightmare with the Runkeeper app. So annoying as it was fine a couple of days earlier - I have it on high accuracy but it seemed to go off when my screen was blank.
  23. That was at one of their flagship stores in Jakarta so looks like they are pricing it very competitively in this market - exchange rate probably helping as well.
  24. Just got one of these yesterday. Very impressed so far, got the 64gb version for only £235 which seems an amazing price. Been using it for 9 hours today, including an update and adding lots of apps and it is still on 72% battery.
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