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Saigon Raider

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Everything posted by Saigon Raider

  1. I watched it in bed in Jakarta. Woke my wife up at 5:15am when the penalty was saved. Been walking round work with the biggest smile all day!
  2. Saigon Raider

    FIFA 21

    Is it just me or do keepers basically save nothing in the new game? Tried Oblak, he was terrible, now onto Courtois - the amount of times I let in 3 or 4 goals from the same number of shots on target is unreal. Am I missing something regarding controlling the keeper?
  3. Saigon Raider

    FIFA 21

    I am really enjoying it. Got promoted to Division 5 which is higher than I ever got last year. Playing 433(2) and getting a lot of well matched games. Being able to skip past the celebrations reduces the seethe.
  4. I just checked the Indonesian store for Last Of Us Remastered and it is £14.60 with the currency exchange. The games are definitely cheaper over here on the PS Store.
  5. Nobody said it was the yard stick. You said he never, even using caps to emphasise it, put two good performances together. I pointed out that literally his last three performances have been good.
  6. Celtic, Brechin then Hamilton? Settle down, he didn't have a great game in the final third but he got in some good positions.
  7. Thought Saints were pretty good but decision making in the box was poor today. On another day though we win that by a couple of goals. Defence absolutely strolled it and keeper didn't make a save. United might be the worst team I have seen all season. Zero intent for the last 70 minutes, imagine being Shankland and having that service every week... Saints still moving in the right direction with Bryson slotting in with no problems. We look used to the system now and I think we are an entertaining team to watch.
  8. Once we got the ball down and started playing there is only one team in it. A couple of wrong decisions with the final pass but played some good stuff the final 20/25 minutes. Impressed with Bryson so far and we have defended well.
  9. Should have been clear - I think he has looked a little tired the last games. This is just Callum giving him a rest I think, going to be a long season for him.
  10. I actually think McCann has struggled a little the last couple of games so don't mind him getting a rest.
  11. Saigon Raider

    FIFA 21

    Try another filter man...or move to to a different timezone [emoji23]
  12. Saigon Raider

    FIFA 21

    I use the computer and always just put one bid of 400 - means you don't have to watch it. I used to use BPM but the amount of time it would have taken to get this amount would be weeks!! I have had that issue on the app before, does my head in!
  13. Saigon Raider

    FIFA 21

    I am teaching from home so it takes a few minutes between classes then leaving it. I have been lucky to hit on a filter where almost nobody else has been bidding on - makes a huge difference.
  14. Saigon Raider

    FIFA 21

    Set a filter, something like LB/RB/LM/RM, Silver and a popular nationality e.g. Spain. Do a search on FUTBIN on that filter and check what the cheapest card is. If it's 700 or above then it's worth looking at. Then mass bid 400 on pretty much every card, wait and see how many you get. Can pretty much sell them all at 800-1000 but you occasionally get some at 2000. It helps me as I bid during the day in Jakarta which is the middle of the night UK. Still managing to do it now though.
  15. Saigon Raider

    FIFA 21

    Had a proper go at silver trading and managed to make about 80k in the last 24 hours. Definitely the easiest method I have used so far.
  16. Finished Stalingrad by Antony Beever - brutal stuff and proved I would have been shot for cowardice had I been born at another time. A part of history I knew very little about so found it relatively easy to read and completely enlightening. Only slight criticism was how many times I had to check the maps to find out which regiment was in each army - didn't seem all that obvious. The Blade Itself - Joe Abercrombie - why had I never read any of his stuff before? Absolutely loved it, quite similar to Locke Lamora but even darker - totally my genre and can't wait to read all of his others. That feeling when you find somebody new and there are loads of books waiting to go is glorious. Just started Midnight in Chernobyl by Adam Higginbotham - a factual account of the background to Chernobyl and what happened. Supposed to be superb so looking forward to getting stuck into it. Another part of history I don't know a great lot about although I distinctly remember some kids from the area visiting Perthshire when I was very young - I think two even stayed at our house for a week... Also reading The Watchman graphic novel but not really got into yet.
  17. I said exactly the same thing after the Celtic game. Folk accusing him of phoning it in...I think he suffers from the Berbatov/Ozil thing of people thinking he is lazy no matter how much he runs. From what I have seen, he works very hard and is good at holding it up and keeping the ball. He has lost a bit of pace but don't thing he's exactly slow. I think he is definitely in our best team right now.
  18. I can't believe Hamilton don't put a man in front of May from that corner - it's so basic.
  19. Cheers for the tip, just finished Stalingrad - outstanding and proved I knew very little about that conflict (also proved I would be absolutely useless in a war).
  20. O'Boyle is the best player I have ever seen at Saints with his back to goal. Was unbelievably strong and his first touch was excellent. Possibly one of my favourite ever Saints players.
  21. Not sure how anybody could watch that half and think Conway has been awful... Anyway, Saints press is working really well, May leading the line superbly and is so much better with his back to goal than Hendry. Tanser and Danny impressive at full back and Celtic haven't really had a chance (will defo score with their first one). Only slight disappointment is how often McCann seems to be giving it away today but overall a very promising first half.
  22. Graham Cummins couldn't work out the offside rule so not sure I fully believe him here.
  23. Scott Lynch has been promising the 4th book of Gentlemen b*****ds for ages now - will believe it when I see it. Probably my favourite fantasy series so I really hope it doesn't disappoint. I think the guy has been suffering with writer's block and possibly some other mental health issues. Will have a look at Joe Abercrombie.
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