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Everything posted by aDONisSheep

  1. I think he's improved as a ref. I used to find him overly picky, but he's letting the game go a bit more, and allows a bit of competition for the ball at the breakdown. Yours, ALLEZ LES BLEUS! aDONis Les bleus d'Ecosse obviously!
  2. Les pleurs de Jiffy sont tres amusantes.
  3. As vice chair of the ERG sub-committee of idealogues. It is quite obvious to me, that the poor are no more than, feckless criminals, as such, we, the owners erm I mean captains of industry and wealth creators, of the great sovereign state of Britannia have a duty to; starve the poor further, in punishment for the fact that they have committed the crime, or being poor! Ultimately hunger and deprivation, will encourage these ner-do-wells, to pull themselves up by their boot-straps, and engage in transient work paying a subsistence wage which is insufficient to sustain them or their families here in the UK. That way I can absolve my self of any conscious need to serve the wider community and continue to hoard and increase my wealth. Sending the kids to preparitory-school doesn't come cheap you know, we all have our crosses to bear. Yours Lord aDONissheep of Peterculter.
  4. I recently watched Murray's full 2012 and 2016 Olympic finals. What a game v Del Potro in 2016. However, if I were to pick my personal favourite 'greatest ever' match, it would be Federer v Roddick Wimbledon final... I thought Roddick played the greatest tennis I've ever seen for 1.9999 sets I know many that think Federer v Nadal, was the greatest Wimbledon, I think you could also argue Federer v Nole (when Nole painted a line with a winner at match point down), but for me it will always be Roddick v Federer. Oh, and being truly sad I re-watched Marray v Wawrinka,at Antwerp, where Murray was 3-6, 1-3 down and facing two break points, but somehow came back to win! I didn't realise just how much pain he was in... What an effort that was! Yours, he blubbed, I blubbed, every-hoor blubbed. aDONis
  5. I remember reading his book "I had a hammer". It was absolutely astounding what he went through. It's a good biography, detailing not just his journey, but also some of the more technical stuff, about his batting and mental approach to the game. Still hard to believe that in the 60s, even as a well established star of the game, he still didn't automatically get to eat with the rest of the team! Madness!
  6. I've gone the full Google, Primarily because many moons ago, they brought out Chromecast Audio, which allowed me to convert my old 'fekk-off' floor speakers to wireless for £40. I've since downgraded my speakers in return for what seems like hunners o' little fuckers. I do miss the big ones though, but my wife hated them, and they were far too powerful for my living space. Along with that, I went Google Play Music (I'd previously had Deezer, Spotify and Pure). It's now converted to YouTube Music which I love (primarily because you can have YouTube video sound in your playlists) so you get access to all the live stuff, remixes and mashups. (I highly recommend, MOS Dub by Max Tannone, which mixes MOS Def with Ska). I've got family YouTube Prime membership and it's the best £17 I spend each month. Yours, Beef is not what Jay said to Nas! aDONis
  7. I suspect there are some very, very, very tired bodies. Rugby was punishing in my day! Gawd knows how anyone recovers in time for training these days... Professional rugby players are superhuman IMHO. As an aside, what a lovely shiner AWJ had BEFORE KICK OFF! Courtesy of Jake Ball allegedly. I would call that 'old school' Yours, I only ever got punched once whilst playing (probably because I was too beta male to be worth the effort) . aDONis
  8. I still can't get my head round the notion that Lawrence's first touch was nearly an hour into the game! He was at 12 and brought in to be a wrecking ball. How can a 12 not get their hands on the ball for nearly an hour. An England 12 is starved of ball for nearly an hour at TWICKENHAM! Just let that stat sink in! Also, about the points, Scotland kept England to their lowest points tally (at Twickenham) for 56 years! I'm going to blub again! Yours aDONis
  9. Absolutely, and not in good conditions either. Forwards and backs played as though they were on the beach. I was very impressed by Maitland and Hogg under the high ball (I think Hogg was short once). Contrast to May and Daily (both quality players) who seemed to have had a bath in butter before kick-off.
  10. The thing I liked about it was the attitude. This team looked like they were absolutely relishing the fight. Personified IMHO by Finn's kick to Duhan which just failed. It was early doors and they knew it was a close one, but instead of being angry at missing the opportunity, they had a smile and a giggle. This was a performance won by battles up front though. Scotlands pack were too aggressive and mobile for England's pack (Itoje aside). I thought the contrast was illustrated by the difference in performances between Billy Vunipola and Matt Fagerson. Now I'm a big fan of Vunipola, but he couldn't get to grips with the pace of the game yesterday whereas you saw the energy of Fagerson personified in his kick chase efforts and aggressive ball carrying. I can't recall a game where the Scotland pack has dominated the England pack so much of the game, not even during the 25-13 game of about 3 years ago. As for criticism of Finn Russell? I obviously watch a different game. What I saw was a fly-half that varied the play beautifully and he absolutely bewildered the England back three. I also saw him organise our defence and be Price's eyes and ears when he was struggling. Yes he missed a couple of kicks, had one forward (but creative) pass, and got sin-binned, but on the the other side, and off the top of my head I saw him; Put a perfect ball through to Maitland from which we nearly scored Make Hill miss and panic Vunipola into getting a yellow Make some massive first up tackles Loft another pinpoint ball for Maitland to compete for (before the try) Beautiful crossfield kick for Duhan (from which we nearly scored) Massive clearance from an England lineout Some beautiful flat passes for the likes of Harris and Redpath to run on to and my personal favourite... Absolutely smashed Jonny May into next season He easily outperformed Farrell, Ford, Biggar, Sexton, Burns and probably outperformed Jalibert (who was excellent, but who didn't have to face the pressure of Tom Currie coming at him like an Exocet, trying to break his ribs. If we can't appreciate having the most gifted 10 in world rugby then there really is no hope for us. Special mention to Maitland, who I thought had his best game in years. Finally my man of the match would have been 'Duhan VDM" It was like having a third centre (and a crash ball one at that) and you've got to love someone that carries Mark Wilson over the line with them for a try. That having been said, you wouldn't get much argument from me if you picked any one from Hogg, Gray, Watson, M Fagerson, Turner etc, they were all absolutely magnificent. I almost blubbed at the end! Yours aDONis
  11. Jon Stewart has only just joined Twitter, this is about his 4th post.
  12. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-55941588 It's a start. I don't envy Tim Lenderking's job though. Yours aDONis
  13. That's the best coin, it's going to be beautiful, everybody knows it, but nobody wants to talk about it! Sad!
  14. It's a hang-over from old message boards that had limited search functionalities. If I put my nom de plume in I could find my posts a bit quicker. I also think it's a bit more polite. Yours, thank you for asking aDONis
  15. It would appear that neither you or me are defending the gun/bomb/violence happy loyalist goons. Which is a good thing. Yours aDONis
  16. Easy tiger, you seem to be affa touchy. I'm not sure where you're going with this. There is a body of 'loyalist/unionists' that have been deemed a credible enough threat, which has caused both the UK and EU to stop sending their staff into work (on the grounds of their own safety). It's not new news, over a week ago, rumblings of loyalist discontent were reported to the Northern Ireland Affairs Committee. I admit, they might not be 'gun-happy' they might actually be 'bomb-happy' or just 'violence happy', any which way you cut it, I'm not really sure I'd like to defend those making the threats. Yours aDONis
  17. On a lighter note than some gun-happy unionists. The more things change, the more they stay the same;
  18. Ah, I get it. Was there any expectation that US foreign policy would be radically different? As I said in my post, if the US passes the removal of military assistance to Saudi Arabia, that would be a step in the right direction (and a pretty powerful statement). I wouldn't expect any outright 'public' condemnation of an 'ally' (almost no matter how grievous that ally is) as that would likely have knock on effects (and would also undermine your own countries rationale for being involved in the first place). That is where diplomacy kicks in, and background pressure is applied. Don't get me wrong, Saudi Arabia is shyt-stain that stinks up the entire region (and is responsible for supplying and sponsoring many of the terrorist organisations that 'we' are supposedly fighting). But that having been said, it is an important power broker in the ever shifting allegiances of the middle east, so needs to be taken notice of. I'll be honest and say, that I don't know that if the US extricated itself from the shyt-show, if that would help or harm? Yours aDONis
  19. I like John Pilger, but I don't get what he's saying here; Is he lamenting the current state of US foreign policy? Is he lamenting the Obama/Biden administration interference back in 2015? No matter what it seems tenuous at best to directly link a 2020 air-strike with Biden directly. I'm no expert in middle-east politics other than, honouring an alliance that backs one corrupt regime v another corrupt regime via a proxy war between two (and more) corrupt groups, very rarely ends well, or with a result that I assume anyone thinks is a success. (George Dubya mission accomplished pish aside). I will be interested to see if the House and Senate resurrect the resolution to remove military assistance, and if Biden would sign it (Senator Biden voted for the resolution in 2019, Trump vetoed).
  20. I think some are making the point that had this been Elizabeth Warren or Nancy Pelosi, it wouldn't have been passed off in such jovial fashion. For what it's worth, I think they are right, but it's a bit petty, and I don't think it's a hill worth dying on. Yours aDONis
  21. Quite a lot of projection in there. It seems a little odd that empathy is always 'stage managed' but rudeness is not. Personally, I think it's possible for people to display both. I know I do. One thing that will happen is that the Violence Against Women Act (which has been ignored by the Senate for about a year I think) will get re-authorised. Would that be such a terrible thing? Yours aDONis
  22. I watched the one where he said the guy was full of shit, and... Go figure, the guy was full of shit (IMHO). Do I think that the hurt feelings of some gun-toting, rootin-tooton semi-automatic gun lover are more important than the issue of ready availability of AR14s and massive magazine rounds... (I think you know the answer). I'm also not sure what the point behind your videos were; Here's are a couple of videos of him being incredibly empathetic; Does it make him a saint? Of course not. We need to stop defining people as either good or bad.
  23. In fairness, Joe Biden is well known as being one of the nicest individuals in the Senate (whether that is a low bar or not, if not for me to comment). He's also well known for crossing the aisle and building consensus. I don't know if he will make a good president, time will tell (but he'll certainly be an improvement on the last one), but I do think it's a bit of a stretch to call him an 'absolute monster'. Yours aDONis
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