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Everything posted by aDONisSheep

  1. What I mean is that we don't vote for PM, we vote for our local MP. Who is PM is the choice of party members (of the most successful party), not the public at large.
  2. There are a plethora of reasons why people have bought into Trump (and still do). In no particular order (and I'm ignoring the relative merits, short-termism, and absolute bat-shittedness of some of the thinking); 1) It's the economy stupid! Before the 'Chyna-virus', Americans were at work, low unemployment rates, rising wages. People are people and first and foremost they want to provide for their families. 2) Lower taxes (for everyone but particularly the honest hard working 1%). 3) 'Merica 1st FUK YEAH! WE ARE THE GREATEST, I LOVE FLAGS! SPAAAAAACCCCEE FORRRRCCCCCEE! 4) Stikkin it TO DA MAN! Clearing the SWAMP! 5) Businessman not a politician 6) Don't like dem foreign brown people, or whatever you're particular bigatory is, is fine, because as a 'Nationalist' President, I tacitly share your views, wink-wink. 7) I loves me some GOD and unborn BABIES, I love the unborn BABIES, are you listening you fundamental crackpots, despite having never read a word of the Bibly, I love those unborn BABIES. 8. I'm tough on them Chyna-ese and we takin' our joabs back. 9) The environment is a liberal elite hoax to keep you the 'honest Joe' down. 10) If it wasn't for me, you'd all be talking Commie! 11) Dissent is anti-AMERCAN, patriots vote TRUMP, traitors vote Dem. 12) JUDGES! 13) Military spending = 'MERICAN Might! 14) If you're still unhappy, it's because liberals/brown people/immigrants/the elite are cheating you. 15) Good stuff = Me, bad stuff = someone else. All of this is simple stuff that people often feel a connection with (probably even on just an emotional level). It's not difficult to see why he's still popular. Had it not been for the Chyna-virus, he'd still be president (think of that)! Yours aDONis P.S. for all my scorn, we have voted the stuffed cabbage patch doll Johnson is as London Mayor twice and Prime Minister (OK not a direct election but you know what I mean). "All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country."
  3. Belive it or not, I got quite welled up at this; Yours aDONis
  4. I never thought they would shoot me in the face, gasps terminally wounded woman, who voted for lets storm the parliament, ignore warnings that you're about to get shot in the face, and getting shot in the face party.
  5. Jesus H Christ, I'm about to defend Priti Patel Although she hasn't used the word 'condemn' there is no doubt that she's laying some blame on Trump. "His comments directly led to the violence, and so far he has failed to condemn that violence and that is completely wrong." "He basically has made a number of comments yesterday that helped to fuel that violence and he didn't actually do anything to de-escalate that whatsoever" She's still totally unfit for er... office anything. Yours, I'm defending Priti Patel, these are indeed strange times we live in! aDONis
  6. In fairness to the woman who got shot. It not like she's an unarmed, 12 year old, autistic, black boy, so she probably thought she'd be OK. Easy mistake to make.
  7. He's just told a 'sir' story. So it's extra-bullshit strength.
  8. He's just admitted that the next administration is Biden's one.
  9. It would be so different if elections were decided by the number of flags you can fit on a stage.
  10. Not sure this is the right place, but it's threads like this that have helped my salvation, or not. During these troubled times and particularly in the run up to the US elections, I had a road to Damascus moment and discovered God (on Twitter @TheTweetOfGod no less). Shameless plug, he is starting up a GodCast end of this month. Details here; See you all in the afterlife eternal darkness of death. Yours aDONis
  11. Oh my GAWWWD! I still refuse to believe it (maybe this is what Trump supporter feel like! SHYT! MAYBE I'M A REPRESSED TRUMPIST!) STOP THE COUNT! (Holy shyt I'm at it again!) Yours, I'm voting Stacey Abrams for God. aDONis
  12. I'm afraid Democrats are going to be badly disappointed in Georgia. Ossof has an outside (at best) chance but you'd imagine that the absolutely abhorrent Loeffler will garner enough of the Collins (Republican) votes to win her runoff. I am always astounded that overtly corrupt and inadequate candidates can command votes, but time and time again people vote against, not only their own interests, but against common decency as well. Yours, erm... Happy New year I suppose. aDONis
  13. Surprised as I am, I find myself in lockstep with The Kincardine on this issue. In fact it's even worse than that, I'm a bit more militant than he is. I'll start by saying there are already a set of wealth taxes, one is called council tax and the other is called Inheritance Tax. For the record I have no problem with either and if I'm honest think my council taxes should be higher if nothing else. (Like The Kincardine, I live in Tory Bucks ). As The Kincardine has said, any tax that looks at properties and pensions will disproportionately impact the elderly, and I don't think it's a good look, evicting 'nans' from around the coutry and repossessing their houses. That having been said, I'd like to see something done about second houses and probably the holiday let market. We have a housing crisis, which I feel is exacerbated by housing stock in desirable areas being occupied for only part of the year. More importantly, the government should abolish some of the tax rules around domicile/residency status and more importantly get to grips with all the 'tax efficient' investments that are a sham (more form over substance). I acknowledge that this is easier said than done. Thirdly, I'd crucify anyone caught for fraud, or dealing in the black/cash economy (and those that knowingly partook). So any fvkking builder, tradesman, chef or waitress caugth not declaring 'cash jobs, or tips' would get the book thrown at them. They are nothing more than common thiefs and should face the same ire. Also any customer that got 'part of the job' done for cash (to avoid the VAT) should get the same. Finally, I believe that in general, our progressive tax rates are not agressive enough, 2% on the 40% and 50% bands might mean that I don't get to buy a new Xbox or bigger telly (this year), but is that really such a hardship? Nobody likes paying taxes. But paying taxes should be seen as a patriotic act and our moral duty, not as something that idiots do. Yours Che aDONis
  14. Lin Wood has become quite the cook. It would appear that for the past few years, Jesus has been taking a great deal of personal interest in Mr Wood and helping him with his legal and other opinions. Recently, Lin was often be seen on the same stage as Sidney 'the kraken' Powell, and is proving to be as effective an election litigator as she is. Yours aDONis
  15. This was Texas' response to the kuntkicking they got. Nothing says 'I the good ol' U S of A' more than a threat to secede.
  16. The thing I remember about Fallon was how slow he was. Give him his due though, despite being a couple of yards short on pace, he was only about a yard short in his head. Yours, 'roll-up, roll-up come and see the eighth wonder of the world, the worlds slowest striker'! aDONis
  17. Pasquinelli and Budgie are club legends in comparison to... Prunty and David Zdrilic
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