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Everything posted by aDONisSheep

  1. Bumbling twat makes little to no progress in Brussels. My ghast is flabbered. aDONis
  2. Yeah, I have some places thinking this one is the big one for Trumpy. Just wondering if anyone knew if it was more fantasy pish or if it had teeth. It is pure Texas AG Ken Paxton has a few FBI problems. It is thought that Paxton is doing this to please an audience of one, who happens to have an executive power that might be beneficial to someone who is 'helping the FBI with their enquiries'. Feel free to draw your own conclusions. Yours, the truth is out there. aDONis
  3. Reported Of course how crass of me, I do apologise. I meant to say is 'J'ai toujours aimé les singes abandonner qui mangent du fromage'
  4. This is simply outstanding! It's all so obvious when you think about it. It's not the popular vote, it's the RINOs, radical Dems, Deep State, Corporate America, Big Tech and of course the Attorney General William Barr! I shyt you not!
  5. Absolutely, how ridiculous, imagine trying to replace Woody Johnson, who's qualifications include, being heir to Johnson & Johnson billions, giving money to Republicans and pushing chlorinated chicken and hormone injected beef. Cindy McCain! More like Stallin McLennin, amiright!
  6. I like Accies as well! They're in the league on merit. I often get the fear when Ash Taylor has to play at NDP. I still remember the humbling we got about 6 years ago. Well done Accies, deserved the point and could have nicked all three. Yours aDONis
  7. You've gotta love Medvedev! Nothing about him looks quite right (including his haircut), but he is well worth watching. Thiem still my favourite, though.
  8. God it sounds like I'm some sort of Hilary apologist, but I don't see where this confidence that Biden would easily have won comes from. Hilary was first choice of nearly 46% of Democrat members, Biden was on 17%. Now there were certainly mitigating factors. Biden only had a shadow campaign because he wasn't on the trail whilst Beau was terminally ill in hospital. Completely understandable and a shyt state of affairs. This is also not a dig a Biden, who by all accounts is known for being one of the nicest people you'll ever meet (let alone a politician). Be that from Michelle Obama or Lindsay Graham. What worries me, is that I think we (being us, the more left leaning or liberal) are falling into the same trap as we did four years ago. Once again we seem to think that we can villainise the likes of Trump, point out how abhorrent an individual he is, call his supporters cooks, deplorables, racists and worse, as though that logic will be enough to win the day. Trump was seen as an absolute joke candidate in 2016, be that late night comics, politicians (Obama included) and (most) political commentators. The end result, he tapped into fears and insecurities and became the most powerful man on the planet (we need to properly address those fears and insecurities, not just dismiss them out of hand). This notion that any other candidate would have walked 2016 because of how abhorrent Trump was/is, is flawed. Build the wall, mexican rapists and drug smugglers, grabbing pussy, mountains of bullshit, didn't stop him in 2016 and in 2020 we had all of the above plus a literal tsunami of dead americans, it still didn't deter 74m+ people from voting for him. Politics is becoming more polarised, and we (the left) are not helping ourselves by constantly calling anyone that votes Tory/Republican racist or stupid. It doesn't change their minds, at best it just silences them till they vote. Calling Trump/Boris/Tories/Brexit voters etc cnvts is fun for a while, but it doesn't stop them getting elected. Yours, christ I'm depressed. aDONis
  9. Whilst I agree entirely with the sentiment. Sanders wouldn't have beaten Trump either. In the eyes of many in the electorate Trump had lots going for him. 1. He wasn't seen as a politician 2. He had simple messages that appealed to enough people who felt let down, by successive governments. 3. He lied without conscience. What we on the left often get wrong is that we think that being 'right, is more important than it is. But as Carville said, 'it's the economy, stupid.' Sewing division is easier than building consensus. Remember Trump has more votes in 2020 than Obama 2008 (it's not even fucking close)! Despite the ineptitude, despite the long term economic damage and national debt recklessness, despite the racism, the weaponisation of public health, mass graves and tens of thousands dead, he has still received more votes than Obama. Why? That's easy, because before the pandemic, Americans were working and feeding their families. Sure, it was short termism, and sure there was the racism and fundamental Christian appeal etc, but at the heart of it was the increased employment. I am firmly of the belief, had it not been for the pandemic, he'd have won a second term, and how fucking sad does that make me feel! Yours aDONis
  10. It's an interesting narrative, that the candidate with the most votes is the 'unpopular one'. On the whole she was more popular than Trump but, lost because of the archaic electoral college system, by some distance. The flip side of this is that Trump is still popular, garnering more votes than just about any successful President in history (obviously not Biden).
  11. Once again, it was overblown nonsense. The two republicans on the Board of Canvassers in Wayne County (read as Detroit) refused to certify 'cos erm... some irregularities 'n stuff. Ultimately they were asked to put up or shut up, so they erm... shut up. On the whole probably not a good move by the GOP in Michigan. Yours aDONis
  12. It's a bit melodramatic. What you've got is a vote with a very narrow majority (10). It sounds as though, there are about 150 cast ballots that may or may not be valid. Because they can't just simply throw out the questioned ballots (because they may be valid), a recount wouldn't resolve the issue. So it looks as though they will have another vote. It feels as though this is a 'down ticket' issue only, so any new ballot is likely to be for that one part of the election (not presidential). I'm sure the GOP will ask for a completely new ballot (including presidential) but I don't think they will get far. It's not a fraud, because the election commission hadn't called the down ticket race (so no-one was incorrectly elected). Yours aDONis
  13. Joe-B surely. As in 'nice, big Joe-B in the Oval Office"
  14. You're just jealous of me being the most FIRST WINNINGEST! Illegal posts don't count they're FAKE POSTS! Yours not tired of winning aDONALDis
  15. In fairness to me, I was first with the news but you commies are desperate and trying to steal my WINNING OF FIRSTNESS! I told people about the likes of you, in fact it was many generals and they said "Sir, that 19QOS19 is a pinko". You know it's terrible that this is... terrible, a disgrace. Everyone knows it. I might not come back to this board, I don't need to... there are water faucet stuff to get sorted, I did that! Before I joined this message board you were all typing wee, wee, wee, bing-bong-bing. But I fixed it! Now it's beautiful. But you don't want to talk about that. Yours aDONALDis
  16. On the basis that neither AP or Fox have changed their call (Arizona) there must be enough uncounted ballots in Phoenix to cover bidens losses elsewhere.
  17. As i said earlier, this notion of widespread fraud is a nonsense. In Pennsylvania you'd need 70,000 (yes, seventy thousand) fraudulent ballots to gain a 1% advantage. Imagine trying to organise and coordinate that.
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