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Everything posted by aDONisSheep

  1. I didn't think he looked that good today! I thought he was a bit sluggish and was lucky that Korda was little better than club standard for the first two sets. He's obviously still a huge force, but I thought there were enough chinks in his armour to give the likes of Thiem & Nole hope. Yours, I'd have had him. aDONis
  2. That is a shock of shocks. Much though I'm desperate for Serena to win another GS, I thought Halep was a shoe-in for the French. I genuinely thought she was the class act and only injury or Covid could stop her. Yours, gasted of flabber! aDONis
  3. Oh, that is really rather good. Chapeau to that man.
  4. Shades of Michael Jackson there. In this case the shade is Satsuma Sunrise!
  5. I absolutely love the Williams sisters. They were the reason I started watching womens tennis again. The standard of fitness and athleticism before they arrived was shocking. It took a few years, but womens tennis is now better than it has ever been. I'm gutted that she's had to pull out. Yours, Williams-fanboy aDONis
  6. Federer fans are just as bad. I was there when they booed Zverev after he beat Federer at the ATPs a couple of years back (during the tie-break a ballboy dropped a ball mid rally so Zverev stopped for the let). Totally uncalled for and completely wrong (and I'm a big Federer fan). Still dickheads gotta dickhead!
  7. Yes, it would have absolutely nothing to do with how many $$$$s Wilson will pay the FFT, for the honour of supplying the balls and selling their merchandise.
  8. Unbelievable decision* *Fancy having the temerity to get kicked in the back of the leg by some current at the PoundlandArena (nailed on sending off offence). You'd think he went to the wrong school/lodge or something!
  9. In fairness, those Russian jets, kill less British troops than their American equivalent!
  10. Well my favourite got there, but being honest I thought Zverev was the better player. I've been critical of Zverev's game becoming dull and overly reliant on his serve. Not tonight! His net play and half volleys were outstanding! I've regained a huge amount of respect for him. Loved the event. Yours aDONis
  11. Toots and the Maytals, Jimmy Cliff, Prince Buster, King Stitt, Lord Tanamo, Dandy Livingston etc. etc had a massive influence on me and helped shape my world view. I grew up during the Ska/mod revival of The Specials, Madness, The Jam etc and they led me to the Clash, Ska, Trojan records, Reggae. For a young loon fae Eberdeen, this was my first real exposure to the notion of diversity and it was just so satisfying to listen to. Without getting too heavy, it helped form my early impressions on race and colour. How could anyone not celebrate the talent and genius of Toots and the Maytals or Jimmy Cliff, because they were black. It just didn't make sense and still doesn't. There will always be a little part of Culter that is "sweet and dandy" Yours aDONis
  12. Neither did I. I don't think Serena is doing herself justice. She's the greatest women's tennis player of all time, without a doubt! However, and I'm going to say it, she's carrying too much weight at the moment. This is her at US Open 2020 This is her at French Open 2010 (in her absolute pomp) She's 10 years older and it looks like she's much heavier set, which makes endurance a harder task especially over two week tournaments. She's always had immense power, I can't believe that the extra muscle is making a significant difference to that, but I can believe that it makes a difference in her ability to chase down balls, time after time after time. I would love to see here lift a 24th major (and a 25th and 26th etc), she and her sister are the reason I started watching women's tennis again! 'Nuff said! Yours aDONis
  13. Disappointed that Shapovalov (sp) is out. He's one of the most entertaining players to watch. Unlike Zverev, who's most interesting trait, is how high his toss is on his serve. OK that's a bit unfair, but he's become overly reliant on the big serve, everything else is just 'meh'! Still, tonight we get to see the eventual winner in action... I'm just not sure if it's Thiem or Medvedev! Personally, I hope it's Thiem. Yours aDONis
  14. Would still be one of the top 3 most exciting things to have ever happened in Alloa! Badoom-tish! Yours, I'm here all week, try the veal. aDONis
  15. An absolute master-class in 'if you're opponent is down, stamp on their neck' there from Thiem. FelixAA just came up against a man, who (as Loki said) can hit through anyone when he's timing the ball well. Surprised FAA didn't try to bring him in a little bit more and even put in some off-pace serves. So says me, the 4th or 5th best player at my club... In the over 50's category! (I'm definitely top ten)! Yours aDONis
  16. Tonight's match up between FelixAA and Thiem looks very tasty. I'll be honest and say that the pseudo-kraut is my favourite non-girny scottish bloke/player and if he comes through tonight, you'd assume it's almost a winner takes all v Medvedev in the semi. That aside, I'm also a bit of a FelixAA fan, but just don't think he's quite mature/ready enough to defeat the quality of Thiem, Medvedev and probably Zverev in a row. Thiem for me, especially if they put the roof on. Yours aDONis
  17. Hopefully, but I'm not convinced. For starters I think FAA is a much better player all round than Nishioka. Murray also looked absolutely fucked by the end of the Nishioka match (and was hirpling about with his bad toes) afterwards. I just can't see him being able to wait out the storm like he did with Nishioka. In my heart; A few more matches under Murray's belt and mibbees aye. If Murray serves significantly better than he did against Nishioka, then mibbees aye. If Murray is more agressive from the off than he was against Nishioka, then mibbees aye. But... In my head, I can't help but think he's going to be outgunned and outlasted by the young Canadian Still, you never know, so I'm going to set an alarm, just in case. Yours aDONis
  18. Murray needs his 1st serve to be a lot better than last time. The weakest part of Felix Auger-Aliassime's (henceforth known as FAA) game is his return of serve. Other than that, he has an excellent all court game (including a volley that will stand him in good stead both here and at Wimbledon). He's very very quick, and his backhand touch is possibly a match for Murray (which is saying something). I really think he has a few majors in him. He's also great to watch. Good luck girny-loon, yer going to need it. Yours aDONis
  19. Aberdeen 3rd kit https://images.app.goo.gl/Cqcj8nKacibRYzoYA
  20. I think I love him more now than I ever did! That Aberdeen squad And to think that dunderheid Porterloo nearly passed up on him. Yours, thank you lord for blessing us with Teddy Scott! aDONis
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