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Everything posted by aDONisSheep

  1. I don't think even Scotland would have butchered that chance! Italy are just Scotland but better looking! Yours aDONis
  2. Aye! I'll give you Cleanhill, I can't understand the logic of that roundabout either. But I'm auld enough ti mind Milltimer Brae (aye, the original wyndy een, nae the new-fangled een)! So for me the new road is some kind of voodoo magic! Yours, easily impressed. aDONis
  3. You've obviously not driven on it, it's the fvkkin 8th Wonder of the World! Stonehaven to Culter is an absolute breeze, and further up to the Lang Stracht is just a few minutes more. It's going to take an absolute hoor o' traffic to pysh on my chips with it. Yours, just cruisin' awa! aDONis
  4. Happy administration day to one and all! Roses are red Violets are blue The old club is dead The new club, can get to f*ck as well! Yours aDONis
  5. Why o' why 'o why did the UK vote for this unelected President... TWICE!
  6. Dear Fellow Reds. A mate of mine (ManUre fan) has asked if Eric Black did really say 'I just thought that was how it was - you turned up, played a game, got shouted at a bit and won a trophy every year!' I told him there was a video of him saying it, but for the life of me I can't remember where/which video it is. Any help gratefully received. Yours, living in the 80's! aDONis P.S. I hate to say it, Stoke have a good squad of players, but have been bang average. If they were to offer wheelbarrows of cash, I think McInnes could do a job and might be interested.
  7. In fairness the veto applies to both the financial framework and foreign and security policies (not to mention the UKs additional rights to remain outside the Euro). So in short if the UK doesn't want fisscal union or a pan european army, it doesn't have to have one. Yours aDONis
  8. Where do I start with this nonsense? Previous Dandies on this thread have produced a litany of absolute horse-manure that have pulled on the AFC shirt. But yet... There are additional horrors who have not yet to have their crimes against both AFC and Football in general uncovered. For Aberdeen there is one position above all for which fans of AFC will gnash their teeth and wail in grief... FULLBACK particularly left back! The likes of Ritchie 'Roberto Carlos' Byrne and Jamie McQuilken are infamous in AFC lore. No, it is not them, the horrors I speak of are from a time before. Many do not believe this tale of woe, but it is both true and very, very sad. The season of 1994/95 was ground zero for Aberdeen. Willie 'God' Miller had taken leave of his senses and decided that there needed to be a revolution at Aberdeen and that this would turn us into brides rather than bridesmaids (it actually turned us into hoors, fvkked by all in sundry, famously including a pasiting in all but the scoreline by Stenhousemuir) and we finished rank bottom (of clubs that matter) and were saved via a new and brilliant innovation called a 'playoff'! In '95 right back had been covered by McKimmie and Wright, left back by Glass and Gary Smith if I recall(?), not bad at all! After he had led us through "the great escape of '95", it was believed that Roy Aitken was the man to take us forward and he was given simply oodles of sillar (cash) to do the job. Where should you look to get new 'talent' I hear you ask? Well in Roy's case, he opened his 1994 World Cup Panini Book of stickers at the Bulgarian page (finished 4th) and chose not one but TWO world cup semi-finalist full-backs! I shyt you not! This really happened! (Maybe not the Panini bit, but the rest is true)! Now everyone remembers the name (Kiriakov) who's Wikipedia entry starts with the descriptive term "A player of great energy" (I can only assume this is talking about his Chi energy) because the player I remember was was a work-shy, listless shyte, that looked like he'd been on the brew all night, not slept and had a pack of 20 Bensons tucked into his shorts for a half time fag! Now Kiriakov cost Aberdeen 400k (or for the hard of thinking 400,000 NewRangers FCs)! The name people are less familiar with is the one associated with a price tag of 550k! I bring you Tsanko Tsvetanov! That's right! In 1996 Aberdeen spent circa 1million pounds on full-backs alone! Tsvetanov lasted a whole two seasons with Aberdeen, and our reward for this million pound largesse over the next two seasons was that; in 96/97 we finished 6th just behind the Pars (on 44 points, just 36 points off top spot), then in 97/98 we made the leap to erm... 6th (39 points, but only 35 points off top spot) so that's er... progress of sorts isn't it! It took Aberdeen 10+ years to recover (some would claim we've still not recovered yet). I still see those years as the truly dark days of Aberdeen. Thanks for reading. Next week, I'll be discussing the the topic - Alex 'that kvnt' Miller, why, just fvkking why?! Yours aDONis
  9. Neither of those are 'gimmees' for Munster. You'd think that they have enough quality to win at least one of those, but away to Gloucester is not as easy as it was earlier in the season. Lose that and it could be squeaky bum time. As for Exeter. As a scottish Wasps fan, I can safely say that what they have done in the past 10 years is simply amazing. They are a model club for how things should be done. Great academy and youth set up, great integration into the community throughout the South West of England, they've also developed as a rugby team from a very effective 'forwards dominated' style to an exceptionally balanced team of forwards and backs (I think Hogg will shine even more brightly there). They and Saracens are head and shoulders better than the rest of the English Premiership, and (unlike Saracens) Exeter haven't broken the bank to do it. On a wider topic, how great is Scottish Rugby at the moment. Glasgow are still (IMHO) the second best side to watch (Leinster being no. 1). But it is the massive strides that Edinburgh have taken under Cockerill that I'm really delighted with at the moment. As for Wasps... Oh dear, we've spunked millions on top knotch internationals (Geroge Smith, Piatau, Beale etc) only to be perenial bridesmaids. Rumours have it that Wasps are back to living hand-to-mouth. Final shout out to Adam Hastings. After a torrid time v the USA, has turned it around and I think he is a proper international standard 10 (when is the last time Scotland had two of them on the go at the same time)? Yours aDONis
  10. For the slow of learning like mysel', why is he called Tony rather than Neal?
  11. Alex 'Fuckin' Miller! I win! (rocking back and forth whilst crying emoji). How he managed to get so little from that squad still amazes me to this day! Dishonorable (non-Dingus) mentions for; God, who made a right rickets of the '95 season (five at the back anyone)! Roy Aitken (the following season) for being, well, you know, Roy Aitken! Pele for, you know, for doing exactly what all us fans were doing just to help us make it through a Saturday afternoon watching his team! (the very definition of a vicious circle). I'll be forever grateful to the mahogany-h*n, he made us competitive again! Yours, in need of therapy... again! aDONis P.S. despite '95 being an absolute abomination, it is still one of my favourite seasons! In my mind the sun was always shining and I discovered that I didn't need to see great flowing football and tons of goals. Just knowing that we relegated Dundee Utd was reward enough! Whatever happened to them, you just don't hear much about them? (they are the very definition of white dog-shyte)!
  12. Comin' frae Culter, I'm obviously much more cosmipolitan, nee metrosexual and I say both 'row-ee' and 'butt-er-ee'. Yours, as ever establishing the mores of the day. aDONis
  13. Boo fvkkin hoo! I'll be honest ánd say that too many AFC fans are knvts! When the going gets tough, AFC fans go shopping! Even in 95 we had some balls. Yours aDONis
  14. You have to agree with him though, it is a right fvkkin covfefe of a word!
  15. That's because anonymous is not one of the 'best words'.
  16. The reason she would have thought that they had fallen into line, is because they told her they would support the agreement. The Chequers agreement was bound by collective responsibility and that was made clear at the meeting, and ministers were also told that if they didn't want to sign up, they should resign immediately. That is when those spineless knvts should have stood up and resigned. But being the self serving fundamentally dishonest fvkweasels that they are, they set a trap. They are the liars, and they lied directly to their own party leader and the UKs Prime Minister. As I said, I can't stand Theresa May, but she is much more honourable than those two lying turds could ever be. Yours aDONis
  17. You do realise that he's only been released on bail. He's going back to court.
  18. Not true, the Chequers deal was underpinned by collective responsibilty. Shytebags that didn't agree with it, had their chance to voice their disquiet at the time Two absolutely spineless knvts decided that they would lie and use it as an opportunity to undermine her. They let her believe that they were in rough alignment, only to embarrass her at the first opportunity. Not out of principle (they could have done that at the weekend before the announcement). Instead they waited till after the agreed announcement, then shot her in the back once she'd made the statement. I can't stand Theresa May, but Davis and Johnson are amongst the least trustworthy, most self-serving knvts, that have ever appeared at Westminster. Yours aDONis
  19. I see trumpy-pants is super-shitting himself today. Who'd have thought Geoff Sessions would be his downfall?
  20. Curate's egg. You know there is a very good player in there, but (IMHO) he came to us overweight (and was bang average/poor), but by the end he looked fitter and I think he was coming onto a game. I'd like to see whether he's kept up his fitness in the off-season. If not, then it's a no from me. If he has and is not too expensive, I think he'd be an asset for either team. Yours aDONis
  21. Oof, big loss! Not just for his drive, but also because he was the the fans, most trusted name on the board. Dave Cormack, to have higher profile? I've met him once and he was very down to earth/brutally honest, but that was nearly 20 years ago. I trust him, but he's been in America in the intervening period, so I'm not sure how much of what his reputation in the NE is like. As for Dod? I wish him all the best. Yours aDONis
  22. I bare O'Connor no ill will, but also, I never really warmed to O'Connor (apart for his charge down to the AFC fans in the cup quarter final... RESPECT! But it think that is largely Deek's fault. I could never understand why he was drafted into midfield. This seemed particularly barmy when he came on for McGinn in the cup final! He simply wasn't a quick enough player, nor a tough enough tackler nor a skillful enough ball player to do a job there. Still as I said, I have no qualms with him and hope he has a successful career at Bradford. Yours aDONis
  23. Mind folks, tonight is a celebration of the great 'Tattie' Cooper's life at Pittodrie. Also to be streamed on Reeed TV for us expats. 7pm for 7.30 start. Be there, or be an affa orra chiel! Ahm gettin' emotional just typing this. RIP Tattie. Yours aDONis
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