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Everything posted by aDONisSheep

  1. Mibbees aye, mibbees no, mibbees... it's a chance for me to have another laugh at this! http://www.scotsman.com/sport/football/teams/rangers/dave-king-wants-to-take-oldco-rangers-out-of-liquidation-1-3883729 Yours aDONis
  2. Not to forget the other 'temporary' licence they had to get in order to play the mighty Brechin. BrandRangers FC the gift that keeps on... ruining Shull's breeks. Yours aDONis
  3. "The collapse of Bradford Bulls, among the most decorated British rugby league clubs in the past two decades, is one of the biggest sporting financial failures in recent years alongside the the liquidation of the former Rangers Football Club in Scotland in 2012 and Championship rugby union side London Welsh in December" http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/rugby-league/38637113 Tee-hee. The good old Beeb, forgetting about the 'fairy story, ethereal club' line. Back on THE LIST for them... (If they ever came off it, of course). Yours aDONis
  4. They obviously don't know that a club is defined by the fact that Neil Doncaster says it is, so there! As the saying goes; Bradford Bulls then, Bradford Bulls till erm recently, Bradford Bulls erm now, Bradford Northern at one time... Oh, erm, I'm not very good at this make believe stuff. Wheres founding father Charles 'Chuckles' Green when you need him Yours aDONis
  5. That's not quite true. In the early days AFC released the feasibility study when comparing re-developing Pittodrie v Kings LInks v Loirston. I know, because I read the fekker! From memory the breakdown was follows (and please don't treat numbers as absolutely gospel or the exact time-frame, because I read the report about eight, maybe even ten years ago and I'm getting auld)! Re-developing Pittodrie Pros Cheapest cash-wise (can't remember the number but for some reason I think it was about £25m). Get to stay on existing site. Already own the land. Cons Not cheapest when taking into account possible sales value of Pittodrie. Reduced capacity and revenues during construction Reduced capacity on completion (height of stands) due to surrounding roads etc (16k springs to mind) No real increase in corporate income. Non-WAFFA compliant, so no hope of hosting big Euro games or International events (see Scotland's hopeless bid for Euro's). Kings Links Primary costs circa £35m (less £16m sale value) = £19m Pros Just across road from current location. Preferred option for fans WAFFA compliant Capacity circa 24k More Commercial Income Cons Proposed land had restrictive covenants which were not at Council discretion to change. Uncertainty over viabililty of foundations for such a large stadium leading to an additional contingency of £6m to £12m over estimated costs. Loirston Costs circa £35m (less £16m sale value) = £19m Pros WAFFA compliant Capacity circa 24k (with possible expansion IIRC). More commercial income Mostly Council Land (perceived easier planning than Kings LInks). Cons Not in city centre Now many, may not like the answers given, but they definately issued the feasability and reasons for chosing Loirston, because as I said (I read them). I did have a digital copy at one point but it doesn't appear to have transferred across on one of my PC migrations. EDIT: and before anyone calls it 'Mickey Mouse'. We spent nearly £400k on that report! That's a lot of money for purely puff-piece of work. Yours aDONis
  6. Dead Rangers made profits in several years. The problem they had was that they had to get CL group stages or a very long Waffa Cup run to do it. It was pretty much binary, in years with CL group stage the club would make a profit, in years without, it would make losses. Nookie Whyte gambled on CL monies propping up his crumbling club, but he hadn'the allowed for the Ally 'Beachgrove Garden' McCoist effect. Happy days (contented sigh smiley here). aDONis
  7. I've got first hand experience of a very similar move (Reading being my adopted 2nd team). I'll be honest, it's not as big a wrench to an out of town stadium as you might think. The match routine changes of course. Initially we (Me and friends) used to meet up in town (for a couple) then head out to the game. Then as time passed we headed out earlier and stopped off for one at the ground, then latterly we've been meeting earlier and earlier at the ground itself. The bigger pain has been after the game. If you fancy a couple afterwards, the choice is more limited (you either go in the ground or join a queue to get away from the ground). If you're an away fan there is no option at all. So the CONS are; It's a change It takes a bit more planning Limited choice of apres match venues (the Madejski has two venues). The PLUSSES It's just better, the seating, the view, the facilities. Elm Park may have had the history, but it was shyt! Auld fellers like me, might get misty-eyed with nostalgia, but the reality is, that it is not the same bastion of machismo as it was in my youth. Every penny is a prisoner and pounds spent by women and children are as valued as dinosaurs like me. I take my kids to Pittodrie, even though to me, it is a place where I see history, pride and glorious memories, it is actually a poor stadium and my kids don't see the romance of these particular breezeblocks. The Madejski is much better. Onwards and upwards I say. Bring on this new stadium, because we are the famous Aberdeen! Yours aDONis
  8. EXCLUSIVE - GLIBMAN TO ATTEND AGM OF BRANDRANGERS FC Spied the Castlemilk Prod-father in Heathrow BA lounge this morning. Looked like he'd fallen through a hedge/still up from night before. It seems you can take the boy out of Castlemilk, but you still can't get the fvkker to comb his hair! Yours, Coco Chanel
  9. Looks like we're not losing Del to the Rangers of West London after all. I'm glad. They are another basket-case club... But I will be a bit insulted if it's Ian Holloway that gets the nod. Yours aDONis
  10. Indeed it is. The more comparable figure is Aberdeen's £6.8m v BrandRangers FC's £12.9m. Although that was their salary bill for last season against the might of Alloa and Dumbarton. We also know (from their accounts) that they've already spent £3m+ on recruiting galacticos for this season. Yours, up to my knees in woolly stuff! aDONis
  11. If he signed after the 30th June his fees are not part of these accounts. Instead it will be part of the £3m+ that BrandRangers have spent on signing players this summer. £3m+ on this summer's galacticos, let that sink in! Yours aDONis
  12. Note 33 is worth a look. Post balance sheet (i.e. during the summer) BrandRangers spent £3m building this unstoppable football machine we're all in awe of. Money well spent imho (stop laughing at the back)! Yours aDONis
  13. I see that counting is not John Hartson's strong suit. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/37289352 4,500 when it's the diddies, but 18,000 when Whore FC are in town! Is that even remotely true John? Err no! Last time they played 9 Apr 16 att 9,123. The time before 17 Oct 15 8,888 ad nauseum. Hamilton attracted just over 5,700, Hearts just over 5,300. Admittedly Cove Rangers was only 3,800+. Here are some real facts for you. John Hartson; ex-pro footballer Cancer survivor Bell-end Welsh twat!
  14. HMRC 'What's that Mr Murray? You'd like to make us an offer! Will it be similar to that of the 'wee tax case' that you haven't paid yet'? Murray:. 'Yes' HMRC:. 'Get fecked'! HMRCs' behaviour seems reasonable enough in light of the fact, DeadRangers hadn't met it's prior obligations, and that it felt it could set precedent by pursuing the now dead club. In all honesty, I'm delighted my taxes were spent on the court cases. Killing old Rangers, was also a marvellous side benefit. We are all HMRC! Yours, ding dong the witch is dead. aDONis
  15. Farm me, do you know nothing about your 'club'.Money can't go to the club, it has no legal personality. Money has to go to the company. Please correct your post. Yours, ever helpful. aDONis
  16. Here, here. Being in my profession and doing what I do, I get to hear about lots of schemes. I've not invested in one yet. We've become so American, that paying tax is seen as bad or stupid. People should be proud that they pay their taxes, not made to feel stupid that they didn't join some scheme or another. Here endeth my self-righteous rant. aDONis
  17. In fairness, BrandRangers FC managed to 'stay' in the Championship. In fact at one time the championship was the pinnacle of where BrandRangers wanted to be.
  18. Well if the club was just a brand name we would do, but our club has much more substance than that. The old Aberdeen FC is no more along with Victoria FC and Orion FC . Viva the new Aberdeen FC! Aberdeen Football Club, a young upstart at 113 years old and proud of it. Yours aDONis
  19. Just to lighten the mood. Aberdeen FC (both club and company, for they are the same thing) is now 113 years young. What a joyus day, I'm sure you'll all agree! Yours aDONis
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