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Everything posted by aDONisSheep

  1. Don't be too hard on him. After all it took him about 8 years to admit he was crook, even though he knew he was a crook from day one. Yours aDONis
  2. Go! PlasticRangers! THE GOOD GUYS DREW! :) No really, that's a good result against a team that has only conceded 23 goals in it's last five matches (stop laughing at the back ) What's left of Scottish Footall Yours aDONis
  3. May I join the you say potato I say potato debate. Nominate can mean to appoint someone to an office, duty, role or position. Now I must admit I thought it was a substance over form argument, but in fact looking at the stock exchange release, it says this; "SD will also have the right to nominate two directors to the board of Rangers for the duration of the Facility, any such nomination will be subject to regulatory consent pursuant to the AIM Rules and other regulatory bodies." Therefore I surmise that the definition of nominate was in this case as defined above. The reason I come to that conclusion is that the clumpany (stop laughing at the back) don't seem to have any rights to deny the nomination (as it were). Yours aDONis
  4. I'm not sure that is quite true. While the form is that the board can reject. The substance of the transaction is that if they do reject, they run the risk of Mike Ashley taking his ball home and calling in the £5m/£10m (depending on how much has been drawn down). Even though some of the investors have deep pockets, I'm not sure they'll want (although they might have to) sink that sum of cash into a previously filled hole. G&S is already talking about £20m+ investment, and that's without having seen what is under the covers! A spirit of detente may be required in the short term. Yours aDONis
  5. Bloody hell, did King not get the memo about ethereal entity clubs. Littered throughout his interview are references to the "clubs finances", the "clubs NOMAD" etc, etc. Davy boy, that's not how it works, the club can't enter contracts or own assets, that's the COMPANY you Castlemilk twat! I think we can safely say that there will be a lot of the RangersEtherealEntity FC fans giving me plaudits for correcting such utter diddy bile! Honestly, you'd think by that Dave King interview, this notion that the club runs the ethereal entity stuff, was a load of made up b0llocks. He should be told! Yours, ever helpful aDONis
  6. So just so as I don't fall foul of the easily offended. Do, I or do I not get to call the BluePlastics, currents, (h)oinions, bluebigots, wall-guardeners, orcs or narrow-minded fvktards. Whilst I'm at it, wht level of hell am I in, when I say that Willo Flood has a heed like a spud, or that Danny McGrain walks like a woman an he wears a bra! Yours aDONis
  7. What? BrandRangers FC fans, being accused of being knvts! My flabber is well and truly gasted! You'd think they weren't enjoying the journey! Yours aDONis
  8. 18,000 turned up to watch ICT v Aberdeen at Pittodrie, not because of any long-standing rivalry, but more because of the novelty factor. That's what it was when SevcoBrandRangers FC turned up. SevcoBrandRangers FC had made a big broo-ha-ha about the fixture (for no discernable reason if I recall). Utd fans turned up to watch the novelty club get absolutely knvted, and after 13 seconds, it was all over. In fact it is one of the funniest episodes of SevcoBrandRangers FCs short history. Yours aDONis
  9. It was sold out v Dundee as well, were they only there to see Dundee that day?
  10. You do realise that Tannadice wasn't sold out that day don't you? The attendance was 9,564, so smaller than the crowds they'd already got v Dundee, Aberdeen and Celtic. Anyway, don't you worry about them pesky facts getting in the way, rant on ma chiel, rant on! Yours aDONis
  11. I'm having fun today and this never gets old! And somehow I posted it in the wrong thread DOH! World Records dontchaknow! "By the way, when we say it's 45 thousand in the stadium, there is 45 thousand in the stadium. This is not someone, you know, who's had four fingers removed and keeps adding them on." Charles Green (Talksport Mar 7th 2013) Match attendance below.......... 44,608.
  12. I think we should take a moment to reflect on possibly the 'Greatest Ever DeadRangers FC player'. A true Rangers-man-by-ra-way! He didn't do walking away and in his own words; "There was a contract there and we didn’t even look through it, we just signed it and that was where we were." Luckily for him, it was for £750k p.a. Phew, he dodged a bullet there. :) Who are these people Yours aDONis
  13. Crikey, you'd think some of the BrandRangersEtherialEntity FC fans weren't enjoying the journey. Anyway, back on track, and here's one of my DeadRangers FC favourites; "I think we've got some very exciting times ahead" - Craig 'Nookie' Whyte Yours aDONis
  14. This clip always makes me smile. Particularly the first 1min 8secs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZU1oWKA9X_c Also (and although not technically correct) I liked this; http://ih1.redbubble.net/image.12147619.3368/fc,550x550,white.jpg Yours aDONis
  15. Which is why no-one has ever heard of Third Lanark or DeadRangers.
  16. “That is when the fans can take up ownership. They can buy into the club.” Dearie Me Chuckie, did you not get the memo at your fantasy home, on day-dream island? The fans can only 'buy into' the company than owns and operates the ethereal club. In this case they could only buy into the company, that owned the company that owned and operates the ethereal club. Unless of course the ethereal club stuff, is a dose of made-up shyt to con the gullable.................. hmmmm, I wonder? Yours aDONis
  17. In my best nasally-anal voice, you should give priority to buses that are indicating, but only when safe to do so. Certainly not illegal though, so I'm agreeing with you. Yours, I hate that Butler! aDONis
  18. I don't think so. There is still time for others to come in and help finance SevcoRangersFranchise FC. I'm not even sure the figure (£10m) has been confirmed yet, so it could be less or more. The fact is that there is going to be some 'facility' that will allow SRF FC to continue trading, and if I were a Sevconian, I'd try to see this from a business point of view, not just an emotional.... BIGHOOSE cludgie kind of way. Yours aDONis
  19. It looks like I'm in a minority of one, that thinks this is actually not that bad news for SevcoRangersFranchise FC (SRF FC). On the one hand, it could flush out 'RangersMen' triggering a takeover, on the other, SRF FC have gained valuable working capital, which might enable them to re-structure to a mors sustainable business model. I'm pretty sure that Lloyds had a floating charge with DeadRangers (when they were still going), that could have crystalised against The Govan Shytyard, had it been required. It's by no means clear what the end game is, but this wailing and gnashing of teeth, is a little too dramatic for my taste. Yours aDONis
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