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As We Rise Again

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Everything posted by As We Rise Again

  1. How many times have you been told to leave this discussion to other people and not some sort of diddy like yourself. Awww aye of course, you have caught me out lad.
  2. Who cares about them? If they don't like it they don't need to watch or listen, simple as that.
  3. He's not doing anything wrong. I think he's realised that he would be better off trying to have a discussion with a wall than the posters on here. It really is tedious, you've got to repeat yourself a hundred times for you lot to take it in.
  4. Come on Barry. A surprisingly bad miss from Ronnie there.
  5. I don't really see where he would fail after playing in the league and scoring many goals. Only way he will fail is if he cant handle the pressure of playing for Rangers where he'll be expected to put in a great shift ever game.
  6. Exactly. It would be a great move for Nicky and for Rangers. I think he would benefit as a player playing and training full time at the best training facilities in Scotland. The lad can score goals and undoubtedly he'll score them playing with Rangers. Just because he's played with a second division club doesn't mean he cant make the step up to a big club like Rangers, players have to start somewhere. It's a win, win for both player and club. Edit: Waste money on someone like Jon Daly who will expect a massive wage and probably wont give his all for the club, or sign someone like Nicky who wont cost much in wages and who has already scored many goals in the league.
  7. Do you discredit Sir Alex Ferguson's achievements since he has lots of money to spend on players?
  8. You just cant come to terms with saying anything positive about anyone from Rangers, can you? 'he got us better organised after the previous shambles' Walter was a superb manager for the national team and turned an average team into a winning one.
  9. Another legend. How good a manager was our walter eh? He hardly lost against your mob.
  10. I'm still reserving my judgement on his managerial skills until next season. This season hasn't been the best but I'm giving him credit for all the shit we've came under and the lack of pre-season and players.
  11. What a player eh? He always put the mhanky mob to the sword. The greatest goalscorer Scotland will ever see. Super Ally.
  12. How would you know? You only joined near the end of March. ^ ^ ^ ^ Previously banned poster IMO.
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