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As We Rise Again

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Everything posted by As We Rise Again

  1. Please, someone tell Norris it's only the internet and not to take it too seriously. Your brain is fried with all this Norris. You should stick to gardening or whatever the older people do now days.
  2. You aren't all there in the head pal. "Thier" I really do need to start charging your lot.
  3. Well it's basically an inbred mistake you made. You don't know the difference between "Your" and "You're" I know you're a green and grey hoop, but it's unacceptable for anyone to get mixed up with the two words. I should charge a hefty price to educate your lot.
  4. Who would be upset at you licking old Norris's arse? I thought it was Enrico who did the brown nosing on here.
  5. Nah a said something about Celtic's seedy past and got warned for it. No doubt it was Norris taking offence to it though.
  6. I never asked a green and grey hoop like yourself Norris. Start paying attention to wee Emily rather than us.
  7. Bunch of snitches on here, just got a warning for my previous comment People who cant handle the truth shouldn't be on here if you cant take it.
  8. Tonight will be known as the night wee Johnny went into a meltdown over greenies. What's that you say? Yes the gift that keeps on giving.
  9. I cant handle your irony Johnny, it's too much to handle. Do you have KFS on standby for when you come on here?
  10. It's the truth though. You aren't capable of coming up with things yourself, that you need to go on kerryfailstreet and steal peoples patter.
  11. Your need to copy and paste everything you post just shows your lack of intelligence Johnnylad.
  12. Happy Birthday to her Majesty. GSTQ

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. forkboy


      I think I prefer Holiday In The Sun

    3. Pride_of_the_Clyde


      What's her royal username?

    4. GordieBoy80
  13. I'd share mine Keith. But you're a Falkirk fan from teuchter land.
  14. Will the sub forum come to division two with us next season or will it just get scrapped for next season.
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