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Everything posted by CowdenConvert

  1. Verdasco must have found a new gluten free diet over the off season the way he's been playing.
  2. Almagro now beginning to look like the latest jobber in a long line of jobbers.
  3. Breaks Murray to love. Looks like he's bricking it right enough.
  4. Not sure what the outrage is about... A part time team could never finish above a full time team in this league Dumbarton could never finish above Raith Dumbarton haven't finished above Raith for half the seasons they've been in this league Raith couldn't flirt with relegation I thought our manager was a clown
  5. More like give the money to the big clubs to fund them bringing in youngsters from abroad. The only reason for this is to theoretically raise quality to get a better TV deal so they can then award themselves a payrise. Wankers. When will these clowns realise that clubs only aim is to do the best for their club. They don't guve a f**k about the Scotland team as it's not their job.
  6. I've read some deluded shite from fans of so called big teams in the last few years but this one really takes the prize Real sleeping giant Clyde. Poised to bring in a new manager who will triple their attendance and realise their potential Keep expecting pal. You've had plenty practice and a lot more to come
  7. You claim to be a season ticket holder but you're unaware your club had to write to your manky fans because they don't wash?
  8. Give them colt teams in the league if they change the 11-1 voting system. We could then vote the OF out of the league and see how much we're holding them back when no league wants them.
  9. Thought you were away back to a relevant forum. Oh yeah, everything you post is shite.
  10. If we're pinning our hopes on rangers underpinning something financially we may as well pack it in now.
  11. Tony is obviously fed up with being ripped to bits on the dundee match thread so thought he'd come down here for a bit of sport. like all celtic supporters he's a c**t that cares not a jot about whats best for Scottish football and only about beating rangers.
  12. I'm not holding my breath but the fucknuggets in charge might genuinely come up with a package of measures that might have a chance of improving our game overall and this might be included. On its own I don't see how it has a chance of doing anything except ensuring the most talented youngsters gravitate towards the OF even more than they do today where most of them will be lost to football as they aren't actually good enough to make it at the OF and will be weeded out way before they reach even the U-20's. If it's a price to pay for things like improving the current pyramid, creating better facilities, ensuring coaches at school are qualified, more qualified coaches working with youth football clubs and caps on the number of youngsters the larger clubs can hoover up then it might be overall better for the game. I think we're all dreaming if we think any proposal will be remotely like that though and I'm sure the muppets in charge genuinely think that this one thing will have the OF youth systems churning out international players in no time flat.
  13. How can clubs reject something when no actual proposal has been made? All we have are reports that this might be something that is proposed.
  14. You'll find them in the premiership forum. I'm sure they'll get riled up about this as it benefits only the OF, not because they'll give a shit about the lower leagues. These are the same clubs that shat all over the lower leagues when the SPL was created so Regan and cockwomble will find some way of bribing them to play along.
  15. GTF. No place for sensible suggestions here. Can't you just rant about the SFA?
  16. Aberdeen would still find a way to bottle the league
  17. The only way to save Scottish football is to allow promotion but not relegation.
  18. All clubs get a vote and there's 3 gates it has to pass. 11-1 in the prem is one of the gates. I can't remember the details of the other two gates and can't be arsed to look it up but it's something like 75% of all clubs and I think the other is a certain number of prem and championship clubs.
  19. Thats got to be a sair yin. Only lose 6 points on your serve and lose the set
  20. They're called slams mate. If you want to talk about majors I'm sure there's a golf thread you could f**k off to.
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